16.The Framing Effect: One of the Worst Cognitive Biases of them All


  • 框架效应
  • 搞明白2个例子


persistent [pə'sɪst(ə)nt]长期的。物:持续稳固。人:褒义坚持。贬义:固执。

  • plague麻烦[pleɪg]v/n .
    Don't plague me with stupid questions that could be answered by google.
  • competence['kɒmpɪt(ə)ns]能力be competent to do sth=be good at=excel in/at简历里
    She excel in managing people.=she's competent to manage people.
  • rational:based on facts or reason,not on emotion of feelings
    -take in 欺骗trick/deceive. sb. take sb. in
    He is such a chamer who totally took me in.
  • snap sb out of sth打响指、突然摆脱
    Shopping snaped me out of the depression.
    come on!snap out of it!振作啊!
    连读:comeon sna pon ed fit.
    振作的短语:man up!bottom up!
    grow up !表示幼稚。开玩笑,幼稚!
    -Grow up!-You grow up!
  • miser吝啬鬼['maɪzə]


1.工作记忆扩容:专门工具。下棋。学习新知识。working memory
2.积累思维工具:学习认知偏差。 mind ware物品


1) One of the most compelling and persistent cognitive biases that plague our decision making competence is the framing effect.
3) According to the research, intelligence agents, who may in fact be in positions of authority to make life or death decisions like this, are more taken in by this bias than your average college student.
4) So we have the know - how to solve problems and make better decisions.
所以我们拥有了这种(独有的)信息-- 知道如何(通过了解认知偏差来)解决问题,如何更好做更好的决定。

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