4.11 Interaction 交互 - Scroll 滚动

Scroll a layer using free or paged (carousel) scrolling. The layer will be scrolled inside of its parent layer group.
Use the Touch button on a layer to quickly add interactions.

Scroll模块的ScrollX、Y接口选项选择为free ( 自由滚动 ) 、paging ( 翻页 ) 时图层可以被滚动。图层在图层组也能使用。

(板栗:Content Layer记得要和输出口 (右侧的X、Y) 选择的图层或组一致,不然是不会生效的。)

4.11 Interaction 交互 - Scroll 滚动_第1张图片


Content Layer 连接的图层
The layer to scroll.

Enable 启用
A boolean that is true when scrolling is enabled.

Scroll X 水平滚动
The horizontal scrolling style - None, Free or Paging.
水平滚动模式:Off 无、Free 自由、Paging 翻页。

Scroll Y 垂直滚动
The vertical scrolling style - None, Free or Paging.
垂直滚动模式:Off 无、Free 自由、Paging 翻页。

Settings 设置
Custom scroll settings. To be used with the output of the Scroll Settings patch.
Scroll Setting模块的输出口连接到这个借口。定义更多滚动的属性。

The current horizontal scroll position. Connect to the X Position of the selected layer.
控制水平滚动坐标。连接到滚动图层的 Position X 属性。

The current vertical scroll position. Connect to the Y Position of the selected layer.
控制垂直滚动坐标。连接到滚动图层的 Position Y 属性。

Related Patches 相关属性

Pop Switch,Scroll away,Drag,Momentum Scrolling,Scroll Settings

Related Learn Content 相关学习内容

Horizontal Scrolling
Create horizontal paging carousels.

Screen Transitions
Create screen flows.

Scrolling Views
Add horizontal scroll behavior to your designs.

Related Examples 案例

Facebook New Stories
Trigger a prompt to appear when the News Feed is scrolled a certain distance.

Facebook Popular Events
Create simple horizontal scrolling carousels.

Instagram Boomerang
Transition between screens and scrolls in Boomerang.

Instagram Carousel
Create horizontal scrolling with page indicators.

Instagram Compose
Switch between the Instagram upload options.

Instagram Stories Scroll
Tap to switch between read and unread Instagram Stories.

Messenger Home
Scroll through Messenger conversations.

Moments On boarding
The original Moments app full on boarding flow.

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