【百天聆听】第75天 原典英语训练教材


Part Two: Hamlet and Ophelia

Ophelia lives at the castle. She has a brother, Laertes, who is studying in Paris. Ophelia is in love with Hamlet. One day, while she is sewing, Hamlet comes to her room. Later she tells her father Polonius, a foolish old lord,about Hamlet's visit.

'He looked so sad. He was only half dressed. He stared at me and then he left without saying a word.'

'Is he mad for your love?'

'I don't know, but I think so.'

'I must tell the King and Queen.'

Polonius trusts Claudius and Gertrude. He has no idea that Claudius is a murderer or that Gertrude has been unfaithful to King Hamlet.

'Hamlet's love for my daughter has made him mad.'

'That is possible… but how can we know for certain?'

'We shall hide while Hamlet and Ophelia are talking. We shall listen to their conversation and discover the truth. You will see that I am right.'

Polonius gives instructions to Ophelia. He wants her to walk up and down the castle hall, reading her prayer book.

'Ophelia, you must help us find out the truth about Prince Hamlet's madness.'

'I shall obey you, Father.'

'Quickly, here he comes. Pretend that you are reading.'

Hamlet is thinking deeply. He wants to escape from his problem by committing suicide. His mind is full of questions.

'To be, or not to be? That is the question. Is it better to live or die? But what happens after we die? Nobody knows.'

'I am stupid! I must stop thinking and do something. I must discover the truth.'

'But look, here comes Ophelia. Why is she standing there? Is it a trap?'

The Prince is angry with Ophelia because he realise that she is a spy for her father Plolonius and king Claudius.

'I loved you once.'

'I believed so.'

'No, I never loved you! All women are stupid. They paint their faces and talk foolishly. Nobody should get married. Go away to a nunnery.'

The King does not believe that love is the reason for Hamlet's madness.

He is very suspicious.

'Perhaps Hamlet knows my secret.'

'We must watch him carefully. It is dangerous When a Prince is mad.'

'Poor Hamlet. Everybody admired him before. He was the perfect prince.

Now his mind is ruined. Help him, sweet heavens.'

Narrator: Hamlet enjoyed making fun of Polonius. One day, the Prince was reading a book when he mat the foolish old lord.

Polonius: What are you reading?

Hamlet: Words, words words.

Polonius: But what is the book about?

Hamlet: It's full of lies. The writer says that old men are foolish, weak and have grey hair.

Polonius: Hmmph.

Hamlet: Can you see that cloud, Polonius?

Polonius: Yes, my lord.

Hamlet: It looks like a camel, doesn't it?

Polonius: Yes, my lord.

Hamlet: No, I think it looks like a weasel.

Polonius: Yes, my lord.

Hamlet: Or perhaps it looks like a whale.

Polonius: Yes, my lord.

Hamlet: Goodbye, you foolish old man.


Part One: The Montagues and the Capulets

In the beautiful city of Verona, there were two families—the Montagues and the Capulets. They hated each other. They had hated each other for hundreds of years.

One day, two servants of the house of Capulet were walking in the streets.

'If I meet any man or woman from the house of Montague, I'll push them out of the way,' said Sampson.

'No, you'll run away,' laughed his friend, Gregory.

'Don't worry about that,' said Sampson. 'I will stand and fight.'

Just then, two servants from the house of Montague came into the same street.

Sampson took out his sword and bit his thumb at them. This was a great insult . The two groups of servants began to fight.

'The Montagues are better than the Capulets,' shouted the servants of the Montagues.

'Our masters, the Capulets, are better,' shouted the servants of the Capulets.

Then Benvolio, a member of the Montague family, arrived. He tried to make peace.

'Stop, fools ! Put away your swords.'

But no-one listened to him. The servants continued fighting and Benvolio took out his sword to stop them. Then Tybalt arrived. He was a Capulet, the most dangerous member of the family. He loved fighting.

'Benvolio, you have drawn your sword . Now you must fight with me.

Look at your death!'

'I am only trying to separate these fools,' replied Benvolio.

'Put away your sword or use it to help me keep the peace.'

'Peace!' snarled Tybalt. 'I hate the word. I hate all Montagues and hate you!' With those words, Tybalt attacked Benvolio with his sword.

Then Lord and Lady Capulet arrived. Lord Capulet was old but he wanted to fight too.

'Bring me my sword,' he shouted.

'You are too old to fight,' said Lady Capulet. 'You don't need a sword, you need a crutch .'

Then Lord and Lady Montague arrived. Lord Montague was swinging his sword although his wife tried to stop him.

More and more people came. Soon everyone was fighting. It was very dangerous. At last, the Prince of Verona arrived. He was very angry.

'Stop fighting! I want peace in my city! Drop your weapons , or you will all die! This is the third time that your families have been fighting in the streets.

'Lord Capulet and Lord Montague, you are old but you are not wise. You must promise not to fight. Lord Capulet, come with me now. We must talk.

Lord Montague, come to see me this afternoon. If your two families fight again, you will both die!'

Everyone went away except the Montagues. The fight was over.

'How did it begin?' Lord Montague asked Benvolio.

'The servants were fighting. I drew my sword to stop them. Then Tybalt arrived. He began fighting with me. Soon everyone was involved .'

'Where is my son, Romeo? Is he safe?' asked Lady Montague.

'I saw him this morning, an hour before the sunrise,' replied Benvolio.' He was walking alone in the fields. He saw me but he didn't want my company .

He went into the forest.'

Lord Montague nodded . 'People have often seen him there in the morning.

He cries. Then he comes home and locks himself in his room. He shuts out the daylight and spends all his time alone in the dark. Something is wrong.'

'Have you questioned him?'

'Yes, but he gives no answer.'

'But look, he is coming now,' said Benvolio. 'I will ask him about his problems.'

'I hope he will answer you. We will leave you to speak privately ,' said Lord Montague.

Romeo was on his way back from the forest to the city.

'Good morning, cousin,' said Benvolio.

'It is a sad morning,' replied Romeo.

'Why? Why are your days sad and long?'

'I am ...'

'In love?'

'Out ...'

'Out of love?'

'Out of my lady's favour. I love her but she does not love me. Love is a terrible thing, Benvolio. I love and I hate. Love comes from nothing. It is heavy and light, serious and foolish, hot and cold, sick and healthy. Are you laughing at me?'

'No, I am sad because you are sad.'

'Love is a madness . Goodbye, cousin.'

'Tell me, who do you love?'

'I love a woman.'

'I know that. But who?'

'I love sweet Rosaline. She is beautiful, intelligent and good. But she does not love me.'

'Forget her. There are many other girls.'

'No, I can never forget her.'

Lord Capulet decided to have a party.

'I will invite all the important people from Verona. But not the Montagues. '

He wanted his daughter, Juliet, to meet Paris, a lord from Verona, the friend of the Prince. He hoped she would marry Paris in the future. He called for his servant.

'Here is a list of names. Go and invite the guests .'

The servant met Romeo and Benvolio in the street. He did not know that they were Montagues.

'Can you help me?' he asked. '] can't read the names on this piece of paper.'

'Look, Romeo. Rosaline will be at the party.'

'I have an idea,' said Romeo suddenly .

Meanwhile , Lady Capulet was talking to Juliet, her thirteen-year-old daughter. Juliet had an old nurse who looked after her .

'You will meet Paris at the party,' Lady Capulet told Juliet. 'Perhaps you will marry him one day.'

'Mother, I am too young to get married,' replied Juliet.

'I would love to see my little Juliet married,' said the Nurse. 'You will have happy days and happy nights.'

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