
同主语: 可能同时出现的状态的一种,预测

a man is looking affected by results from his poker game . the man lost the game

不同主语 , 不同角度描述同一张图片

a person with an electric drill doing something to a toy animal . the toy is wooden

H比P少信息 p更具体化

a woman in a blue jacket is drinking tea from a cup . a woman wearing a blue jacket and black pants is drinking tea .

a chef prepares roasted corn . a chef prepares roasted corn in front of an audience .

a little girl in a red flowered dress with a tennis racket . a little girl in red plays tennis .
a girl in a child 's swimming pool . a girl in a small swimming pool .

a goalie is watching the action during a soccer game . the goalie is standing by the net as the soccer game takes place .
a man reading the paper at a cafe . a man reading the paper while drinking cafe .


a man wearing padded arm protection is being bitten by a german shepherd dog . a man is bitten by a dog while training the dog .

a man in a blue helmet jumping off of a hill on a dirt bike . the man is doing a trick on a bike .

a restaurant front line , with a warmer in the front and a person in a red coca cola shirt cooking . a person is wearing a coca cola shirt .
a man in a yellow outfit , fixing something on the corner of a house . a man wearing a yellow outfit was repairing something on the corner of the house .
the streets are busy and people contemplate their futures . people are thinking about futures .长句缩短 summary
a black and white dog playing with a broken volleyball two dogs are playing with a ball .

Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation

Feature-Rich Two-Stage Logistic Regression for Monolingual Alignment
