Set specific, difficult goals.
当老板跟员工说,家长跟孩子说,老师跟学生说“Do your best”的时候,大多数时候并没有实质性的意义。因为他们并没有告诉别人具体该往哪发力。People pretty much do what is asked of them, and rarely more. Ask for a great performance from someone, and as long as you're specific about what great is, you are much more likely to actually get it.
abstract why & concrete what
这是针对一件事的两种态度,比如,同样是打扫房间,有的人把这件事就是看作扫扫地,擦擦桌子(concrete what),而有的人却是把这件事看成是为了营造一个干净的环境(abstract why)。
When actions are difficult to accomplish, we prefer to think about the "concrete what" rather than the "abstract why".
As we gain more experience doing something and it becomes easier for us, we often start to see it in a more abstract why way---more in terms of its meaning or purpose.
比如,当我们决定要健身时,心中想的是为了有一个健康的身体和完美的身材(abstract why),但当我们开始去做那些陌生且有难度的动作时,我们的精力全都集中在了每一个具体的动作上(concrete why),但一段时间之后这些动作变得很容易之后,我们就会计划着去完成更复杂的动作以便获得更大的提高(abstract why)。
当我们更加关注事情身后的意义而不仅仅是行为本身时,我们将不会那么冲动,那么易受诱惑,它(abstract why)可以给我们更大的动力和自控力。比如,我们刚刚跑完步,很想喝碳酸饮料,但是,一想到我们跑步的目的,往往喝碳酸饮料的念头就打消了。
How to think "why"
1、Write down an action you've had trouble taking recently because you haven't felt motivated or you've given in too much to temptation. It can be anything from not ordering dessert to answering all your important e-mails each day.
朗读英文练习口语。之前跟着“清晨朗读会”读的还可以,但是跟着《American Accent Training》系统学习之后就没动力了,比较繁琐,需要学习发音部位和美语特有的读法,不如直接跟着别人的录音读。后来干脆连跟读都放弃了。
2、Now, write down why you want to take that action. What is the purpose of the action for you? What goal does it help you to achieve? How will you benefit from it?
How to think "what"
1、Write down something you want to accomplish that is really complicated, highly difficult, or new to you. Maybe you want to create your own website but aren't experienced with computers, or perhaps you are thinking about starting a new career.
2、Now, write down what your first step should be. What is the specific action that you need to take in order to begin to accomplish this goal?
distant future plans & near future plans
distant future plans→why→desirability information→reward
near future plans→what→feasibility information→risk
对于未来要做的事情,我们总觉得还有时间,总认为未来的某个星期的7 x 24个小时都可以为我们所用。但我们忘记了 the trade-off between "why" and "what"。如果是下周让你读完一本大部头的书,你还会觉得下周的 7 x 24 小时都可以全为你所用吗?你肯定会开始想其他各种可能占用你时间的事情,甚至会以事情过多不可能读完而拒绝。
Thinking "what" when it comes to your goals is an excellent way to not only be more realistic about your time, but also to prevent procrastination.
对 why thinking 和 what thinking 的总结:
Big-picture, why thinking about your goal is most helpful for getting you motivated and energized, focusing you on the rewards you can gain, and encouraging self-control and persistence. Nitty-gritty, what thinking will benefit you most when your goal involves doing something difficult or unfamiliar, focusing you on the practical details of getting the job done, and helping you to avoid procrastination. Greater achievement comes not from choosing one style over the other, but from deciding how to think about your goal to best overcome the specific challenges you are facing .
The power (and peril) of positive thinking
It's dangerous to believe that you will win, and believe that you will win easily.
The motivational impact of believing you will succeed versus believing you will easily succeed, and has found time and again that these beliefs have very different effects on achievement.
People who believe goal pursuit will be difficult plan more, put in more effort, and take more action in pursuit of their goals. They expect to have to work hard, so that’s exactly what they do. In contrast, people who believed that getting a good job after college would be easy sent out fewer applications. Those who imagined themselves falling quickly, hopelessly, and mutually in love with a secret crush were less likely to actually talk to that person about their feelings. Students who thought that doing well on an upcoming exam would be a piece of cake studied for far fewer hours.Ultimately, people who think that reaching their goal will be a breeze simply aren’t prepared for what lies ahead of them, and they can be devastated when the dreams that they’ve enjoyed dreaming about so much don’t actually come true.
那我们应该如何应对呢?作者在书中提出了 “mental contrasting”—first you imagine attaining your goal, and then you reflect on the obstacles that stand in the way.
Mental contrasting turns wishes and day-dreams into reality, by bringing into focus what you will need to do to make it happen.
Considering both what you want and what stands in your way will give you the clarity to make good decisions—when your chances for success are high, it will increase your commitment to your goal, making you more likely to successfully achieve it. When your chances are not so good, it will help you to recognize that and move on.
1、Be specific. When you set yourself a goal, try to be as specific as possible.
2、Make it hard. It’s also important when you set goals to make them difficult, while still being realistic
3、Think why or what. Goals can be thought of in relatively abstract, why-am-I-doing-this terms or in more concrete, what-am-I-actually-doing terms.
4、Consider value and feasibility.
5、Think positive but don’t underestimate.
6、Use mental contrasting to set your goals.
对于我们的智力的认知,分为两类人,一是我们的智力是可增长的( incremental theorist),另一个是我们的智力天生就是固定的(entity theorist)。
当你是entity theorist的时候,你的基本目标就是向别人以及你自己证明你足够聪明。基于此,entity theorist在做选择或定目标的时候的原则就是避免选择有挑战性的,而是选择更加简单易达成的。
有一个概念叫做“逆努力原则”(inverse effort rule),即一件事情,你做的越费力越说明你并不擅长此事,所以只能靠努力来弥补自身能力的不足。因此,接受了这种认知的人就倾向于选择简单的事情来做。
当你是incremental theorist时,你相信自己的能力可以通过锻炼得到提高,你的注意力也就放在了提高能力上而不是证明自己的能力上。挑战和犯错也不再那么可怕,而变成了提高自己的机会。
1、know what is influencing you.
2、Know what you believe about your abilities.
3、Embrace the potential for change.
4、Set up the right environment.
5、Use triggers to tap your unconscious.
第三章 The goals that keep you moving forward
当你的目标是 to be good 时,你会被激励到,但是却倾向于选择易达成的事情而逃避困难的事情,并且更容易感受到压力,这时候就变成了一个“表现型选手”。
当你的目标是 become better,你将更多的精力放在自我提高上。