Is there any essential reason for you to keep doing sonething?

Actually there is no essential reason for me to keep doing something. I simply want to do it, such as giving a speech here every day but if I must say then it would be interest. 

There's a saying that goes "interest is the best teacher". This means that if you are really interested in one thing, you will do it in one way or another, if you will not do it them you may feel that something is missing just like the feeling when you don't have your meal, you will feel uncomfortable until you satisfy that need.

Is there any essential reason for you to keep doing sonething?_第1张图片

The second reason is that you know clearly that in some ways, in the future, insisting to do something can help you in your life and work. It can also open your mind and you can have more benefits from this. If there are some words that are hard to say then knowing that it can help you in the future then it can push you to speak out your ideas or your ways to deal on issues.

So if you find things like this then I believe it would be easier for you to continue doing it just like our daily meal, we want to eat them on time then we may go back to work and give more effort to do our job. However, if you couldn't insist on one thing then the best thing to do is to go back to see whether the things that you're doing really interests you or may help you out in the future with less bad impact. After thinking for a while then you may start your own way and give more effort, don't give up. PLease do not push yourselves so hard. Life is short so do the things that you really enjoy. Have a nice day and I hope you find and do your interests. Thanks.

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