报名了!Edgemont第二期Wednesday FUN-Night LEGO Challenge

新的一期Edgemont Wednesday FUN-Night LEGO Challenge Program招生通告让大家久等了。请点击以下两段在instagram和facebook上发布的宣传短片了解我们的课程:

FunDay Sunday CCS Lego Challenge

MRU Lego Challenge  Workshop

本次招收的是从March 8th开始的为期8周的lego challenge班,我们会开一个Stage I和一个Stage II的班,以下是课程的具体报名信息, 如果想了解更多的课程信息请耐心往下看:


Every Wednesday starting from March 8th,  2017 for 8 sessions


Edgemont Community Association Boardroom

33 Edgevalley Cir NW

Calgary, AB T3A 4X1


Stage I: kids over 6 years old

Stage II: kids over 8 years old or successfully finished Stage II


$185/student, if you bring your friends here, $5 discount will be applied

Class size:

max 10 kids

To register your kids for the program please contact with us by following ways,asking for registration form:

Email:   [email protected]

Phone: 403 560 8519

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Edgemont 目前进行的Lego Challenge Program Stage I (Started from Jan 4th, 2017)已经接近尾声。新的一期Edgemont Wednesday Fun-Night LEGO Challenge Program课程将于March 8th, 2017开始,持续8周。Edgemont Wednesday Fun-Night LEGO Challenge Program Stage I and Stage II 现在开放报名!

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We provide STEM Education for kids!

Play2Learn Education LEGO Challenge Program是基于LEGO Bricks的STEM(Science, Technology, Engineers, Mathematics)的课程。学生在搭建LEGO的同时,了解机械原理,锻炼数学计算能力,同时激励学生的创造力和社会协作能力。LEGO Challenge Program在过去的一年被很多卡城知名儿童教育机构引入。Play2Learn Education作为一家专注为小朋友及其家长提供STEM Education服务的教育机构,今年已分别在Aspenwood/Chestermere/Egemont/Connect Communities Services/ Mount Royal University等多个社区和教育机构开设了多个不同等级的LEGO Challenge课程,获得了孩子和家长的一致好评。Kids Love it!

Edgemont Classroom

Edgemont Classroom

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Edgemont Classroom

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Chestermere Classroom

Chestermere Classroom

MRU Workshop

MRU Workshop

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CCS Classroom

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CCS Classroom

Play2Learn Education采用世界知名的STEM教育课程计划,面向6-13岁的孩子,力图用独特的课程内容和流行于孩子群体内的教具,引导孩子学习科学/技术/工程/数学(STEM)领域的原理知识,激发孩子的创造力(Invention)和表达(Expression)能力,锻炼孩子们的领导者精神(Leadership)。如果您是对孩子有同样期许或者和我们的教育理念相一致的家长朋友,请往下阅读。

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What is STEM

STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines - science, technology, engineering and mathematics - in an interdisciplinary and applied approach.


Play2Learn Education LEGO Challenge项目和其他类似的Lego课程有什么不同?

Play2Learn Education LEGO Challenge项目采用严格的教学体系结构,课程设计由浅入深。在玩的过程中让孩子理解belt transmission, gear ratio, gravity的多种科学技术数学的原理(Theoretical Knowledge of Science, Technology, Mathematics)和在工程(Engineering)领域的具体应用。同时这套体系引入了presentation, leadership和invention的环节,在实践过程中帮助孩子们培养和提高Soft Skills.

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学生作品:tank Trailer


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学生作品:crazy fishing


什么是Four-stage program?

Stage I Presentation: The students learn the basic STEM concept through building the LEGO models and  practice various experiments in a 8-weeks program. At stage I graduation ceremony, each student will attend a mini science fair to present their models and explain the theory behind it in their own way.

Stage II Leadership: The students learn the advanced STEM concept through building the LEGO models and  practice various experiments in a 8-weeks program. Each student will have the opportunity to practice leadership at a stage I session as a student leader. This way will help students find out what leadership means to them. At stage II graduation ceremony, each student will attend a mini science fair to present their models and explain the STEM theory in their own way.

Stage III  Creative Thinking: In this 8-week program, students utilize the STEM knowledge they have accumulated from previous stages and apply them by creating their own enhancement to our advanced LEGO models. Each student will continue to have the opportunity to practice leadership at a stage I or stage II session as a student leader. Each student will attend a mini science fair to present their invention at graduation ceremony.

Stage IV Entrepreneur Thinking:  This 8-week unique program offers the students the opportunity o play various roles in a mini startup team. They will decide what product or improvement they want to produce or implement, build the product demo by LEGO, what problem they want to solve, and how to impress investors, etc. At the stage IV graduation, the team will deliver a pitch to the parents who play the role as angel investors. The winning team will have a reward.

Don't worry, this is not too hard. We just like  our students to experience the process, they might grow up as Entrepreneurs Tomorrow!

What is Next:

After Stage IV graduation, the student have the pre-requisite knowledge and skills to move on ROBOTIC LEGO Enrichment Program to practice programming skills and advanced technology!

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Stage I 学生课程作品

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Classroom & Experiments




我们每次的课程在一个小时之内主要有导师讲解原理 5 mins,学生动手搭建模型和学生STEM实验 50 mins,项目收尾 5 mins组成。项目的收尾工作会邀请家长一同参与。课后学生会有一个optional的家庭作业,帮助巩固和理解课堂上的STEM知识。每次课具体的流程主要有任课老师决定。

哪里可以买到Motor 和Battery? 这样我们就可以在家里玩了,而不用上课。

上Lego challenge课程和学生买了Motor和battery自己在家里玩,没有任何冲突。我们鼓励和并提供相应的配套零件给registered学生们,有利于他们把在课上学习的STEM知识运用到自己已经拥有的LEGO brick 上。 我们的课程是提供知识给孩子们,LEGO brick和Motor是我们采用的教具。 (只有Motor和Battery是无法谁让model动起来的,我们需要不同的配件来设计不同的运动方式,体现不同的STEM理论。


Kids love that!

-- "Mom, when is the next class?"

--"Next Wednesday!"

-- "oh no, still seven days to go!"

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What parents comment

本次招收的是从March 8th开始的为期8周的lego challenge班,我们会开一个Stage I和一个Stage II的班,以下是课程的具体报名信息:


Every Wednesday starting from March 8th,  2017 for 8 sessions


Edgemont Community Association Boardroom

33 Edgevalley Cir NW

Calgary, AB T3A 4X1


Stage I: kids over 6 years old

Stage II: kids over 8 years old or successfully finished Stage II


$185/student, if you bring your friends here, $5 discount will be applied

Class size: max 10 kids

To register your kids for the program please contact with us by following ways,asking for registration form:

Email:   [email protected]

Phone: 403 560 8519

Follow us:


Wechat: @Play2Learn




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