《追风筝的人》Chapter 7


will v. 想要(某事发生);

But all I heard--all I willed myself to hear--was the thudding of blood in my head.

sink v. 缓慢下降,下陷,沉降;

By the time I reached the market place, the sun had almost sunk behind the hills and dusk had painted the sky pink and purple.

eye v. 打量,端详;

He eyed me up and down.

nausea n. 恶心,呕吐感;

I panted, my stomach roiling with nausea.



At least two dozen kites already hung in the sky, like paper sharks roaming for prey. Within an hour, the number doubled, and red, blue, and yellow kites glided and spun in the sky. A cold breeze wafted through my hair. The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift, make the sweeps easier. Next to me, Hassan held the spool, his hands already bloodied by the string.


两个风筝挂在天空,像是paper sharks roaming for prey。又是一个精彩的比喻!这一次,作者没有说两个风筝是天空的眼睛,而是像寻找猎物的鲨鱼,可见局势紧张,大家都摩拳擦掌。

glide v. 滑行 spin v. 旋转 waft v. 使飘荡,吹拂

The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift, make the sweeps easier. 天气适宜,又有哈桑作助手。对于Amir来说,此时天时地利人和。

Soon, the cutting started and the first of the defeated kites whirled out of control. They fell from the sky like shooting stars with brilliant, rippling tails, showering the neighborhoods below with prizes for the kite runners. I could hear the runners now, hollering as they ran the streets. Someone shouted reports of a fight breaking out two streets down.


I kept stealing glances at Baba sitting with Rahim Khan on the roof, wondered what he was thinking. Was he cheering for me? Or did a part of him enjoy watching me fail? That was the thing about kite flying: Your mind drifted with the kite.


The tension in the air was as taut as the glass string I was tugging with my bloody hands. People were stomping their feet, clapping, whistling, chanting, “Boboresh! Boboresh!” Cut him! Cut him! I wondered if Baba’s voice was one of them. Music blasted. The smell of steamed mantu and fried pakora drifted from rooftops and open doors.

stomping their feet, clapping, whistling, chanting,作者又用到了排比。他的排比实在是精妙,一系列动作是先后发生?还是同时发生?还是陆续发生?无论如何,都很容易让读者联想到人潮的澎湃。

It turned out to be sooner than later. A gust of wind lifted my kite and I took advantage. Fed the string, pulled up. Looped my kite on top of the blue one. I held position. The blue kite knew it was in trouble. It was trying desperately to maneuver out of the jam, but I didn’t let go. I held position. The crowd sensed the end was at hand. The chorus of “Cut him! Cut him!” grew louder, like Romans chanting for the gladiators to kill, kill!

说时迟,那时快(看到第一句英文突然脑海里蹦出来这么一句),一阵风吹起了阿米尔的风筝,他抢占了先机。...胜利近在眼前(at hand),人群沸腾,欢呼的“切断它”“切断它”听上去像是罗马人对着斗士喊“杀啊”“杀啊”!

I opened my eyes, saw the blue kite spinning wildly like a tire come loose from a speeding car. I blinked, tried to say something. Nothing came out. Suddenly I was hovering, looking down on myself from above. Black leather coat, red scarf, faded jeans. A thin boy, a little sallow, and a tad short for his twelve years. He had narrow shoulders and a hint of dark circles around his pale hazel eyes. The breeze rustled his light brown hair. He looked up to me and we smiled at each other.

spinning wildly like a tire 看到这句话我的第一反应是漏气的气球,哈哈,但作者想表达的意思是像快速转动的轮胎,刚脱离一辆高速行驶的轿车。Amir看到自己的胜利,闭眼-睁眼-眨眼,依然不敢相信。接下来,奇幻的事情发生了,他感到自己腾空而起,从空中俯视下面被微风轻轻拂过的自己,相视而笑。Amir觉得终于成了爸爸所喜爱的男孩子,他释然了。




I read him poems and stories, sometime sriddles--though I stopped reading those when I saw he was far better at solving them than I was. So I read him unchallenging things, like the misadventures of the bumbling Mullah Nasruddin and his donkey.


I killed his king and played him my final card, the ace of spades. He had to pick it up. I’d won, but as I shuffled for a new game, I had the distinct suspicion that Hassan had let me win.


“You know...I ‘like’ where I live.” He was always doing that, reading my mind.“It’s my home.”
How could I be such an open book to him when, half the time, I had no idea what was milling around in his head?


Over the years, I had seen a lot of guys run kites. But Hassan was by far the greatest kite runner I’d ever seen. It was downright eerie the way he always got to the spot the kite would land before the kite did, as if he had some sort of inner compass.

eerie a.怪异的,可怕的)


“We were at Ghargha Lake, you, me, Father, Agha sahib, Rahim Khan, and thousands of other people,” he said. “It was warm and sunny, and the lake was clear like a mirror. But no one was swimming because they said a monster had come to the lake. It was swimming at the bottom, waiting.”

“So everyone is scared to get in the water, and suddenly you kick off your shoes, Amir agha, and take off your shirt. ' There's no monster,' you say. 'I'll show you all.' And before anyone can stop you, you dive into the water, start swimming away. I follow you in and we’re both swimming.”

Everyone is screaming, 'Get out! Get out!' but we just swim in the cold water. We make it way out to the middle of the lake and we stop swimming. We turn toward the shore and wave to the people. They look small like ants, but we can hear them clapping. They see now. There is no monster, just water.


Then he stepped toward me and, in a low voice, said something that scared me a little. “Remember, Amir agha. There's no monster, just a beautiful day.”







But he was doing something now, motioning with his hands in an urgent way. Then I understood. “Hassan, we--”
“I know,” he said, breaking our embrace. “'Inshallah', we'll celebrate later. Right now, I'm going to run that blue kite for you,” he said. He dropped the spool and took off running, the hem of his green chapan dragging in the snow behind him.
“Hassan!”I called. “Come back with it!”
He was already turning the street corner, his rubber boots kicking up snow. He stopped, turned. He cupped his hands around his mouth.“For you a thousand times over!”he said. Then he smiled his Hassan smile and disappeared around the corner.


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