

1. 课后作业要求




(1)Some people think that good teachers are born that way. Outstanding teachers sometimes seem to have a magic, a charisma, that mere mortals could never hope to achieve. Yet research has begun to identify the specific behaviors and skills that make up the “magic” teacher. An outstanding teacher does nothing that any other teacher cannot also do—it is just a question of knowing the principles of effective teaching and how to apply them. Take one small example: In a high school history class, two students in the back of the class are whispering to each other, and they are not discussing the Treaty of Paris! The teacher slowly walks toward them without looking, continuing his lesson as he walks. The students stop whispering and pay attention. If you didn’t know what to look for, you might miss this brief but critical interchange and believe that the teacher just has a way with students, a knack for keeping their attention. But the teacher is simply applying principles of classroom management that anyone could learn: maintain momentum in the lesson, deal with behavior problems by using the mildest intervention that will work, and resolve minor problems before they become major ones. When Jaime Escalante gave the example of digging a hole to illustrate the concepts of positive and negative numbers, he was also applying several important principles of educational psychology: make abstract ideas concrete by using many examples, relate the content of instruction to the students’ background, state rules, give examples, and then restate rules. (Para.9, Text A, Unit 1)

(2)There is considerable evidence that assessment is a powerful process for enhancing learning. Black and William synthesized over 250 studies linking assessment and learning, and found that the intentional use of assessment in the classroom to promote learning improved student achievement. Increasing the amount of time on assessment, however, does not necessarily enhance learning. Rather, when teachers use classroom assessment to become aware of the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that their students bring to a learning task, use this knowledge as a starting point for new instruction, and monitor students’ changing perceptions as instruction proceeds, classroom assessment promotes learning. (Para.10, Text A, Unit 8)

(3)Does a broad, idealistic, liberating education also prepare a person to be valuable to a company? Many business leaders say it does. They argue that the job market has changed. Workers no longer stay at one company doing the same job until retirement. Technology drives change at such a pace that in less than five years, most facts college students learn are out of date. Business recruiters are looking for graduates who are inventive and flexible enough to learn new skills. Many students and parents worry about the short-term: preparing for the first real job. Most corporate executives, however, value an education that prepares one for a lifetime of imaginative and productive work. Indeed, business leaders know that survival in today’s unstable job market depends upon the intellectual discipline that only a liberal education can offer.  (Para.6, Text A, Unit 9)

(4)Multiple entry points have two important additional advantages. First, by approaching a topic in more than one way, one reaches more students. Some students learn better through narration, some through works of art. Some might learn science better through quantitative entry points, and poetry better through foundational entry points. Second, the use of multiple entry points is the best way to convey what it is like to have expert knowledge. An expert is an individual who can think about his or her area of expertise in multiple ways—verbal description, graphic sketches, behavioral embodiment, humorous renditions, and so on. In encountering different representations of the key ideas, and in having the opportunity to think about these ideas in multiple ways, the student partakes of the heady atmosphere of the expert. (Para.15, Text A, Unit 10)


(1)knowing the principles of effective teaching and how to apply them make a teacher outstanding.

(2)There is considerable evidence that assessment is a powerful process for enhancing learning.

(3)a broad, idealistic, liberating education also prepare a person to be valuable to a company.

(4)Multiple entry points have two important additional advantages------making a topic  reach more students and conveyed  multiply.
