2017-12-29EOS Wiki: Testnet: Private



译者:区块链中文字幕组 荆凯


Testnet: Private 私有测试网络

By: shuke0327

To date, all work done to experiment with the EOS blockchain has been performed using a single instance of eosd hosting all 21 block producers. While this is a perfectly valid solution for validating features of the blockchain, developing new contracts, or whatever, it does not scale. Nor does it expose the sort of issues raised when contract and block data must be shared across multiple instances. Providing the ability to scale involves deploying multiple eosd nodes across many hosts and lining then into a peer-to-peer (p2p) network. Composing this network involves tailoring and distributing configuration files, coordinating starts and stops and other tasks.


Doing this manually is a tedious task and easily error prone. Fortunately a solution is provided, in the form of the Launcher application, described below.


  • Testnet nodes, networks, and topology - 测试节点,网络和拓扑结构
  • Localhost networks - 本地网络
    • Distributed networks - 分布式网络
  • Network Topology - 网络拓扑
    • Star network - 星形网络
    • Mesh network - Mesh 网络
    • Custom network shape - 自定义网络形态
  • The Launcher Application - 启动程序
    • Running the Launcher application - 运行启动程序
    • Launcher command line arguments - 启动程序的命令行参数
    • The Generated Multihost Testnet Configuration File - 生成的多主机测试网络配置文件
    • Runtime Artifacts - 运行时构件

Testnet nodes, networks, and topology


Before getting into the details of the EOS testnet, lets clarify some terms. In this document I use the terms "host" and "machine" fairly interchangeably. A host generally boils down to a single IP address, although in practice it could have more.

在了解EOS testnet的详细信息之前,先澄清一些术语。在本文档中,我使用了“主机”和“机器”这两个可以互换的术语。主机一般可以归结为一个IP地址,但实际上它可以有更多的IP地址。

The next term is "node." A node is an instance of the eosd executable configured to serve as 0 or more producers. There is not a one-to-one mapping between nodes and hosts, a host may serve more than one node, but one node cannot span more than one host.


I use "local network" to refer to any group of nodes, whether on a single host or several, are all close in that access does not have to leave a secure network environment.


Finally there is the idea of distributed networks that involve remote hosts. These may be hosts on which you may not have direct access for starting and stopping eosd instances, but with whom you may wish to collaborate for setting up a decentralized testnet.


Localhost networks 本地网络

Running a testnet on a single machine is the quickest way to get started. As you will see below, this is the default mode for the Launcher application. You can set up a localhost network immediately by simply telling the launcher how many producing or non-producing nodes to activate, and perhaps what type of network topology to use.


The downside is that you need a lot of hardware when running many nodes on a single host. Also the multiple nodes will contend with each other in terms of CPU cycles, limiting true concurrency, and also localhost network performance is much different from inter-host performance, even with very high speed lans.


Distributed networks


The most representative model of the live net is to spread the eosd nodes across many hosts. The Launcher app is able to start distributed nodes by the use of bash scripts pushed through ssh. In this case additional configuration is required to replace configured references to "localhost" or "" with the actual host name or ip addresses of the various peer machines.

live net的最具代表性的模型是在许多主机上分布eosd节点。启动程序可以使用通过ssh推送bash脚本来启动分布式节点。在这种情况下,需要额外的配置,将参考的配置从"localhost" 或 "" 改为多台主机的真实主机名或者ip地址。

Launching a distributed testnet requires the operator to have ssh access to all the remote machines configured to authenticate without the need for a user entered password. This configuration is described in detail below.


In cases where a testnet spans multiple remote networks, a common launcher defined configuration file may be shared externally between distributed operators, each being responsible for launching his or her own local network.


Note that the Launcher will not push instances of eosd to the remote hosts, you must prepare the various test network hosts separately.


Network Topology 网络拓扑

Network topology or "shape" describes how the nodes are connected in order to share transaction and block data, and requests for the same. The idea for varying network topology is that there is a trade off between the number of times a node must send a message reporting a new transaction or block, vs the number of times that message must be repeated to ensure all nodes know of it.

网络拓扑或者“shape”描述了节点如何连接,以共享交易和区块数据,和请求相同的数据。之所以设计了可变的网络拓扑,是想在两者之间进行权衡: 一方面是一个节点发送信息报告一笔新交易或者区块的次数,另外一方面,为了让所有的节点都能够知晓,信息需要重复的次数。

The Launcher has definitions of two basic different network "shapes" based on inter-nodal connections, which can be selected by a command line option. If you wish to create your own custom network topology, you can do so by supplying a json formatted file. This file is typically the edited version of the template created by the launcher in "output" mode.


Star network 星形网络


A "star" is intended to support a larger number of nodes in the testnet. In this case the number of peers connected to a node and the distribution of those nodes varies based on the number of nodes in the network.


Mesh network


In a "mesh" network, each node is connected to as many peer nodes as possible.

Custom network shape 自定义网络形态

This is an example of a custom deployment where clusters of nodes are isolated except through a single crosslink.


The Launcher Application


To address the complexity implied by distributing multiple eosd nodes across a LAN or a wider network, the launcher application was created.


Based on a handful of command line arguments the Launcher is able to compose per-node configuration files, distribute these files securely amongst the peer hosts, then start up the multiple instances of eosd.


Eosd instances started this way have their output logged in individual text files. Finally the launcher application is also able to shut down some or all of the test network.


Running the Launcher application


The launcher program is used to configure and deploy producing and non-producing eosd nodes that talk to each other using configured routes. The configuration for each node is stored in separate directories, permitting multiple nodes to be active on the same host, assuming the machine has sufficient memory and disk space for multiple eosd instances. The launcher makes use of multiple configuration sources in order to deploy a testnet. A handful of command line arguments can be used to set up simple local networks.


To support deploying distributed networks, the launcher will read more detailed configuration from a JSON file. You can use the launcher to create a default JSON file based on the command line options you supply. Edit that file to substitute actual hostnames and other details as needed, then rerun the launcher supplying this file.


For the moment the launcher only activates platform-native nodes, dockerized nodes will be added later. It should be straight forward to use the generated configuration files with dockerized nodes.


Launcher command line arguments 启动程序的命令行参数

Here is the current list of command line arguments recognized by the launcher.

launcher command line arguments:
  -n [ --nodes ] arg (=1)               total number of nodes to configure and 
  -p [ --pnodes ] arg (=1)              number of nodes that are producers
  -d [ --delay ] arg (=0)               number of seconds to wait before starting the next node. Used to simulate a person keying in a series of individual eosd startup command lines.
  -s [ --shape ] arg (=star)            network topology, use "star" 
                                        "mesh" or give a filename for custom
  -g [ --genesis ] arg (="./genesis.json")
                                        set the path to genesis.json
  -o [ --output ] arg                   save a copy of the generated topology 
                                        in this file
  --skip-signature                      EOSD does not require transaction 
  -i [ --timestamp ] arg                set the timestamp for the first block. 
                                        Use "now" to indicate the current time
  -l [ --launch ] arg                   select a subset of nodes to launch. 
                                        Currently may be "all", "none", or 
                                        "local". If not set, the default is to 
                                        launch all unless an output file is 
                                        named, in which case it starts none.
  -k [ --kill ] arg                     The launcher retrieves the previously 
                                        started process ids and signals each with the specified signum. Use 15 for a sigterm and 9 for sigkill.                              
  -h [ --help ]                         print this list

Note that if a testnet.json file is supplied as the


argument, then the


--pnodes, and


arguments are all ignored.

The Generated Multihost Testnet Configuration File


This is the file generated by running the following command:

launcher --output [other options]

In this mode, the launcher does not activate any eosd instances, it produces a file of the given filename. This file is a JSON formatted template that provides an easy means of


The object described in this file is composed of a helper for using ssl, and a collection of testnet node descriptors. The node descriptors are listed as name, value pairs. Note that the names serve a dual purpose acting as both the key in a map of node descriptors and as an alias for the node in the peer lists. For example:


  "ssh_helper": {
    "ssh_cmd": "/usr/bin/ssh",
    "scp_cmd": "/usr/bin/scp",
    "ssh_identity": "phil",
    "ssh_args": "-i ~phil/.ssh/id-sample"

The ssh helper fields are paths to ssh and scp, an identity if necessary, and any optional arguments.
ssh helper 字段是ssh和scp的路径、必要时的标识和任何可选参数。

  "nodes": [[
        "genesis": "./genesis.json",
        "remote": true,
        "ssh_identity": "",
        "ssh_args": "",
        "eos_root_dir": "/home/phil/blockchain/eos",
        "data_dir": "tn_data_0",
        "hostname": "remoteserv",
        "public_name": "remoteserv",
        "p2p_port": 9876,
        "http_port": 8888,
        "filesize": 8192,
        "keys": [{
            "public_key": "EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV",
            "wif_private_key": "5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"
        "peers": [
        "producers": [

The rest of the testnet.json file is the collection of node descriptors. The fragment shown above was created with the command line


programs/launcher/launcher -p6 -s mesh -o testnet.json

and then edited to refer to a remote host named "remoteserv."


Elements Of The JSON File


This table describes all of the key/value pairs used in the testnet.json file.


Value Description
ssh_helper a set of values used to facilitate the use of SSH and SCP
nodes a collection of descriptors defining the eosd instances used to assemble this testnet. The names used as keys in this collection are also aliases used within as placeholders for peer nodes.
ssh_helper 一组值,供SSH和SCP使用
nodes 一组描述符,用于定义组成此测试网络的eosd实例。在此集合中用作键的名称,也用作对等节点的占位符。
ssh_helper elements Description
ssh_cmd path to the local ssh command
scp_cmd path to the local scp command
ssh_args any additional command line arguments needed to successfully connect to remote peers
ssh_identity The user name to use when accessing the remote hosts
ssh_helper元素 描述
ssh_cmd 本地ssh命令的路径
scp_cmd 到本地scp命令的路径
ssh_args 功连接到远程节点所需要的其它额外的命令行参数
ssh_identity 在访问远程主机时使用的用户名
node elements Description
genesis path to the genesis.json file. This should be the same file for all members of the testnet.
remote specifies whether this node is in the local network or not. This flag ties in with the launch mode command line option (-l) to determine if the local launcher instance will attempt to start this node.
ssh_identity a per-node override of the general ssh_identity defined above.
ssh_args a per-node override of the general ssh_args
eos_root_dir specifies the directory into which all eosd artifacts are based. This is required for any hosts that are not the local host.
data_dir the root for the remaining node-specific settings below.
hostname the domain name for the server, or its IP address.
public_name possibly different from the hostname, this name will get substituted for the aliases when creating the per-node config.ini file's peer list.
p2p_port combined with the public name to identify the endpoint listed on for peer connections. When multiple nodes share a host, the p2p_port is automatically incremented for each node.
http_port defines the listen endpoint for the client API services
filesize sets the capacity in megabytes for the size of the blockchain backing store file.
keys specify the authentication tokens for this node.
peers this list indicates the other nodes in the network to which this one actively connects. Since this file may be edited to alter the hostname, public name, or p2p port values, the peers list here holds aliases for the actual endpoints eventually written to the individual config.ini files.
producers this list identifies which of the producers from the genesis.json file are held by this node. Note that the launcher uses a round-robin algorithm to spread the producer instances across the producing nodes.
节点元素 描述
genesis genesis.json文件的路径。这对于testnet的所有成员应该是相同的文件
remote 指定该节点是否在本地网络中。此标志与启动模式命令行选项(- l)连接,以确定本地启动程序实例是否将尝试启动此节点。
ssh_identity 每个节点中的定义,会覆盖上面所定义的一般ssh_identity。
ssh_args 每个节点中的定义,会覆盖通用的ssh_args
eos_root_dir 指定所有eosd工件都基于的目录。这对于任何非本地主机都是必需的。
data_dir 节点其余配置的根目录
hostname 服务器的域名,或其IP地址。
public_name 可能与主机名不同,在创建每个节点的config.init文件的peer list时,这个名称将被替换为别名
p2p_port 与公共名称结合,以标识用于对等连接的端点。当多个节点共享一个主机时,每个节点都会自动增加p2p_port
http_port 定义了客户端API服务的监听端点
filesize 为区块链备份存储设置的文件大小, 单位是Mb
keys 为该节点指定身份验证token
peers 这个列表显示了网络中这个节点所连接的其它活跃节点。由于可以编辑该文件来更改主机名、公共名称或p2p端口值,所以这里的peer列表为最终写入到单独config.init文件中的实际终端节点(endpoints)的别名
producers 此列表标识了 genesis.json 文件中的哪些生产者在当前的节点上。注意,启动程序使用 round-robin 算法在生产节点上分布生产者的实例。

Provisioning Distributed Servers


The ssh_helper section of the testnet.json file contains the ssh elements necessary to connect and issue commands to other servers. In addition to the ssh_helper section which provides access to global configuration settings, the per-node configuration may provide overriding identity and connection arguments.


It is also necessary to provision the server by at least copying the eosd executable, and the genesis.json files to their appropriate locations relative to some named EOS root directory.
For example, I defined the EOS root to be /home/phil/blockchain/eos. When run, the launcher will run through a variety of shell commands using ssh and finally using scp to copy a config.ini file to the appropriate data directory on the remote.

另外,还至少需要提供给服务器, 复制eosd可执行文件和genesis.json文件到相对于某个名为EOS的根目录的恰当的位置。例如,我定义EOS根目录为
/home/phil/blockchain/eos. 运行时,启动程序将使用ssh运行各种shell命令,最后使用scp来复制config.ini文件到远程服务器上的恰当的data目录下。

Runtime Artifacts 运行时构件

The launcher app creates a separate date and configuration directory for each node instance. This directory is named tn_data_ with n ranging from 0 to the number of nodes being launched.


Per-Node File Description
config.ini The eosd configuration file.
eosd.pid The process ID of the running eosd instance.
blockchain/* The blockchain backing store
blocks/* The blockchain log store
stderr.txt The cerr output from eosd.
stdout.txt The cout output from eosd.

A file called "last_run.json" contains hints for a later instance of the launcher to be able to kill local and remote nodes when run with -k 15.

名为"last_run.json"的一个文件为之后运行的启动程序节点的提示,可以带参数-k 15来运行该节点,杀死本地和远程的节点。

你可能感兴趣的:(2017-12-29EOS Wiki: Testnet: Private)