Day 002 Odds and Ends [我的23万4千字英文写作计划]

Day 002 Odds and Ends [我的23万4千字英文写作计划]_第1张图片
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Words: 617 Time: 32 minutes

1. About the shot

My weight and my waist line are expanding now. It’s a really hard thing to keep it in control because of my fluctuating blood sugar. If I get the dose of my each shot too much, then I'll have a very low blood sugar that might endanger my life, but if I get too less of it, I’ll feel very listless and be full of lassitude. That would be a great thing if there’s a device that can monitor my blood sugar 24/7. Maybe in the future, it would come true, but I highly doubt that if my life expectancy could hold up to that time. Hahaha.

2. About the housing problem

Today, I spent about five hours with my favorite teacher, helping her with moving the closet from her rented apartment to her new home and doing some organization there. It made me ruminate a lot of things about the housing. I’ve never given a serious consideration about it, but now I’m wondering where my future home with another girl would be, and in which country my home would be. I think that housing is a very magic and powerful force to many people because for all the people who have dreams about traveling around the whole world and settle down in another country, once they plant a mother base in somewhere, then it’ll be twice as hard as before to step out the comforting zone and see the wild world there. But on the second thought what do I know about it? Probably it is a good thing for some persons.

3.About the girl

My dream girl has a curtain of long and black hair with a pair of eyes of a cow and soft lips. I like girls in fall. Because at that specific time, they would put up the thin woolen overcoat. It adds a warm and elegant texture to their differed beauty.

4.About the book - How to Read a Book

Until today after I read eight pages of the book - How to Read a Book, had I truly got to know the two distinctive results of reading - getting information and increasing understanding; If one can only get information from a reading material - be it magazine, editorial, movie review, books and whatsoever - then one stands on the same height of a ladder as the writer in terms of vocabulary, grammar, plot, intelligence and so on. Under this condition, one can only get pure information about something new or old which means the whole process of reading would be nothing but a memory exercise, and if this reading material is something that one is interested at, then it would put a layer of reading for pleasure; but if one finds it a bit hard to carry on in the process of reading something, then one must be on the learning curve fortunately, struggling between the lines to climb higher on the ladder in order to catch up with the writer. Without a shred of doubt that either way could bring a loads of satisfaction and pleasure to the reader as long as the reading is an active thing instead of a passive one, but the effect on leveling up one’s reading comprehension and skill as well as the ultimate impact on one’s mind and soul would be totally different. Ergo, we can know that it is essential and necessary to do every thing with clear consciousness no matter it is a big time such as making a life-change decision or merely reading a few pages after lunch.

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