把英语学成英语:save face什么意思?

把英语学成英语:save face什么意思?

在你看到简单的英语save face张口就来中文“挽回面子”,“给台阶下”之前,努力想想:我学过哪些英语、能把哪些学过的英语“用”起来“理解”英语save face?


“说出”下面你学过或没学过的英语(口语),用词不同,都是save face的意思:

把英语学成英语:save face什么意思?_第1张图片

1. Well,if you try to save (your) face,you do something to avoid embarrassment, to avoid humiliation, or to avoid shame. I tried to offer an explanation that incorporated elements

2.Well, if you save face, you do something so that people continue to respect you and your reputation is not damaged.

So we can say:He was late for the meeting,so he saved his face by saying there was a traffic accident on the road.

OR:This is a good outcome.It saves our face.It is really face-saving.It is a face saver for us all/for all of us

你也许全部记住这些“英语口语”有些困难,多少会记住关键词avoid humiliation,avoid embarrassment or shame吧?

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