Day8, Page82-93

Part 1 字词

1、...I stuffed my clothes with a bunch of socks and shirts to get myself into the next weight class.

stuff  n.东西,材料。vt. 塞满,填塞。adj. 毛织物做的


do your stuff施展自己的本事;露一手   to do what you are good at or what you have been trained to do

not give a stuff一点不在乎  to not care at all about sth

stuff and nonsense废话;胡说八道   used to describe sth that is stupid or not true

另:a bunch of 束,串,捆; 一串,一群; 一帮,一伙; [非正式用语] 大量;

例句:He grabbed my purse, opened it and stuffed it full, then gave it back to me.

造句:I stuffed my bag with food.

2、I figure if I bulk up now, it could actually come in handy down the road.

bulk up 增大,增重

come in handy 迟早有用

down the road 在将来,未来

例句:Holyfield has bulked up to 210 pounds using weights.

            That key will come in handy if you lock yourself out.

造句:Supplements(营养品) can be very helpful when you are trying to bulk up your body.

             It may come in handy someday.

3、...but Dad was prtty enthusiastic.

enthusiastic 热情的;热心的;热烈的;满腔热忱的

例句:He was so enthusiastic.

造句:"Beautiful! " "Enthusiastic! " "Hospitable! " the children strived to answer.

4、...I wasn't going to let that hold me back.

hold me back.拖我后腿,使我退却

例句:: God, I'm done. You know my English will hold me back.

造句:Nothing can hold me back!

5、That's what a good training partner is for,...

training partner陪练

is for强调:这才是一个好的陪练该做的

造句:That's what a good teacher is for, to teach others over and over again.

Part 2 仿写

1、I've never been all that interested in getting into shape before, but this wrestling unit has made me rethink things.

句式:I've never been all that interested in ... before, 我之前从未对...感兴趣,

rethink 相当于前文提到的a second think

造句:I've never been all that interested in playing piano before, but this girl changed me.

2、But I guess you can't expect everyone to have the same kind of dedication as you.

dedication [ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn] 奉献; 献身精神; 教堂的)献堂礼; (书等作品上的) 题词;

句式: can't expect everyone to have the sb. 不要期盼每个人都像谁一样

造句:I totally can't expect everyone to have the same opinoin on friendship as me.

Part 3 日记

Yesterday morning, we went to climb a hill, that place named "a gigantic hill park", yes, it's ridiculous. In fact, It took us only ten minutes climb to the top of the hill, how big you could imagine. But the views was pretty good on the top, and there has a pavilion looking old. We had a rest , and then, we down the hill.

At home, the gas stopped yesterday afternoon. As a famous chef of home cooking——This is I gave to myself, I wasn't going to let that hold me back. So I took out the electric pan. Mushroom, potatoes, eggs, and bread are all good for frying foods, serving with black pepper, basil and salt, this is a wonderful western meal, and it's so easy.

Part 4 A&Q

1、①仰卧起坐  sit-ups

Day8, Page82-93_第1张图片

②开合跳  jump jacks

Day8, Page82-93_第2张图片

③仰卧推举  bench press

Day8, Page82-93_第3张图片

chin-up 引体向上

2、哑铃  barbell

3、精神崩溃  have a nervous breakdown.

4、我不得不自己来解决  I‘m going to have to take matters into my own hands.

5、我不会让它阻止我的  I wasn't going to let that hold me back.

6、稳操胜券  in the bag

Part 5 小词

垃圾食品  junk food

muscles are gross. gross这里夸张指恶心的

lean over 趴在...上

你可能感兴趣的:(Day8, Page82-93)