零浪费先驱者Bea Johnson北京之行倒计时!
Founder of the zero waste movement: Bea Johnson is coming to Beijing!
Early bird tickets are now available!
Intro 导语
这个十二月,THE BULK HOUSE很荣幸地邀请到Bea Johnson – 零浪费生活方式的先驱者来到北京和观众分享她的故事,并将和Bea Johnson一同在分享会上答问解疑,帮助更多人认识和践行零浪费。学习在我们的日常生活中减少一次性制品的过度使用,尝试用更少的物品生活,精简生活的同时得到更专注、高质量的生活感受。如果你正为浪费造成的环境污染担忧,如果你正为大量闲置物品所占的空间而苦恼,来分享会一起聆听我们的声音,一定会对你有所启发。
THE BULK HOUSEis honoured to invite Bea Johnson - the founder and advocate of the zero waste lifestyle to share her inspirational story with an audience in Beijing. Bea Johnson, together withTHE BULK HOUSE, would also conduct discussions and answer questions during the event for zero waste lifestyle. We will delve deep into our daily lives about how to reduce the use of disposable products, try to live with fewer things, streamline life and gain a more focused and efficient life. If you are worried about the environmental pollution caused by waste, if you are annoyed by the space occupied by a lot of idle things in your home and office, attending this night will surely enlighten you.
关于 Bea Johnson
Bea Johnson出生于法国,婚后搬到了美国加州。起初,她和家人过的是典型美国式生活,大房子、塞满的冰箱、超出需要的食品和包装。而自2008年起,她开始了另一种截然不同的生活。一家四口每年产生的不可回收垃圾,竟只需要一个罐子就能轻松装下。这听上去好像不可思议,但的确切实可行。
现在快节奏的都市生活让我们在已经习惯一次性制品带来的便利、大众的消费心理促使商家大量制造出过度包装的精美商品来迎合顾客、我们的家中越来越多的闲置物品等着我们去擦掉灰尘…….我们生活中充斥着太多不是我们所必需的物品,制造大量垃圾污染环境的同时浪费资源。Bea Johnson早早认识到这一点并勇于实践,她所开创的零浪费生活方式值得我们每个人学习,一个人的行动也是一种发声,从现在开始,让世界听到你的声音。
Bea Johnson was born in France and moved to California. Her family used to embrace the typical United States lifestyle, with a big house, filled refrigerators, and a huge amount of trash each week. Since 2008, Bea has transformed her family’s life for the better by reducing their waste to an astonishing one jar of trash every year. This may sound unbelievable, but Bea has made it happen!
With a fast-paced urban lifestyle, it has become completely normal to use single-use disposable products. The mass consumer psychology has prompted a large number of businesses to produce excessive packaging for their goods, the amount of unused goods that do not much else than gather dust is getting out of hand. There are too many things in our lives that are not the things we need, making a lot of garbage and polluting the environment and wasting resources. Bea Johnson realized this early and was brave enough to take steps to change this.Bea has completely tipped the way we consume, think and discard of things on its head. With her blog and bestseller Zero Waste Home, Bea launched a global movement and continues to inspire the community.The zero waste lifestyle that Bea pioneered is worth hearing whatever your perspective is on the environment or consumption, perhaps you will be interested to learn about these changes will without doubt increase your happiness.One's action is also a way to project your voice. From now on, let the world hear your voice.
THE BULK HOUSE创始人余元 (Carrie) 成为零浪费生活的践行者,源于Bea Johnson那一小罐垃圾,1家4口一整年的垃圾能装进一个玻璃罐里,震惊她是怎么做到的同时,也开始反思我们习以为常的生活习惯。因此她辞掉工作,成立了中国首家倡导零浪费生活的社会企业,在践行零浪费生活方式的同时,意识到Repair修理同样重要,因此THE BULK HOUSE强调零浪费6R原则: “Refuse、Reduce、Reuse、Repair、Recycle、Rot”,通过组织分享零浪费主题相关内容,系列活动和工作坊,以及提供零浪费好物来帮助人们轻松地开启零浪费生活之旅。
THE BULK HOUSEfounder, Yu Yuan (Carrie), has become an advocate of the zero waste lifestyle. It originated from reading and learning about Bea Johnson, which resulted in small changes in Carrie's daily life and then led Carrie on to quit her job and start China's 1st social enterprise that focuses on zero waste. Learning about the principles of zero waste, Carrie took the 5 R's and added in 1 extra, "Repair".THE BULK HOUSE's 6 R's: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle, Rotset the theme for their content, activities and workshops and for establishing a strong collection of zero waste products to make the zero waste lifestyle convenient for all.
想了解Bea Johnson和她的家人是如何做到零浪费生活的吗?想赶快加入成为零浪费生活的一份子吗?2017年12月21日,Bea Johnson与THE BULK HOUSE, 将带你进入零浪费生活的世界。
If you would like to meet and hear from Bea Johnson andTHE BULK HOUSE,or to be part of zero waste living. Please join us onThursday 21st DecemberatDayDayUpin Sanlitun.
Event information 活动信息
活动时间:2017年12月21日(7pm –10pm)
Date & Time : 21/12/2017(7pm – 10pm)
活动地点:工人体育场北路三里屯SOHO – C座2201室DayDayUp
Venue: DayDayUp, #2201 Block C, Sanlitun SOHO
活动票价:¥100 (早鸟票)
Admission: ¥100 (Early bird tickets)
Early bird tickets are now available! 100 RMB a ticket, you best be quick!
合作伙伴 Partners
THE BULK HOUSE是中国第一家倡导零浪费生活方式的社会企业,我们通过组织零浪费和极简的主题系列活动来引导人们与自然和平共处,并提供环境友好的产品来帮助人们轻松地践行零浪费生活方式。THE BULK HOUSE为了提倡环境保护,于2017年加入了1% For Planet– “为地球贡献1%” 的国际环保组织,将产品售出的1%收入捐献给这个组织。我们也将一直支持 “为地球贡献1%”,并希望将我们企业为地球带来的负担降低到最小。
THE BULK HOUSEis the 1st social enterprise in China committed to promoting the zero waste lifestyle. We do this in 3 ways:①Create and promote valuable content.②Organising events revolving around the 6 R's in our logo.③Provide environmentally friendly products to make the zero waste lifestyle more convenient for all. We are proud to be a1% For The Planetmember. This means we contribute at least 1% of our annual sales to environmental causes.
互动环节 interactive sessions
Do you have question you would like to ask Bea Johnson on the night?
如你有任何问题想问Bea Johnson,欢迎在文末评论区踊跃留言,我们会把征集收到的所有问题整理出来问Bea Johnson,是时候发挥你的想象力了 :)
- END -
想要加入北京零浪费\ 精简生活(闲置物共享)\零浪费践行者 \ 零浪费之修理 \ 零浪费之堆肥社区群组, 请添加微信号:thebulkhouse,请注明社群类别,比如 “修理”
If you are interested in joining the group chats linked toZero Waste Beijing, they are:
1.Zero Waste Beijing (TBH)-EN & CN 中英文
2.Zero Waste 2nd R: Reduce to Relive | 精简生活-EN & CN 中英文
3.Zero Wasters | 零浪费实践者社区-CN 中文
4.Zero Waste 4th R: Repair | 零浪费Repair之修理- EN & CN 中英文
5.Zero Waste 6th R: Rot | 零浪费Rot之堆肥- EN & CN 中英文
To join either of these groups, please addTHE BULK HOUSEonWeChat.
Wechat ID: thebulkhouse
For any suggestions, cooperations, contributions, or re-posting of our articles on your platform,please email us at: