Peak:Chapter 6.0817


Part I: Getting past Plateau——what is the plateau?How ?

1: Plateau:

①字典释义:a period during which the level of something does not change, especially after a period when it was increasing:

②文章意指: a point that you reach at which you are having difficulty getting better


①Figure out exactly what is holding you back and what mistakes are you making

② Push yourself well outside of your comfort zone and see what breaks down first.

③Design a practice technique aimed at improving that particular weakness

Part II: Maintaining motivation ——What is motivation exactly?Why need maintain?How to maintain ?

What :

①想要在自己从事领域做到更好的抱负(a desire to be better at whatever it is you are practicing)

②专业使你优秀,你所从事的职业及其习得技能的本身也是一种推动力(the skill itself )

③ 他人的赞美,自己取得的成就,以及社会环境因素的影响-志同道合者之间的交流(social motivation)

Why :

①内因:训练的本身是枯燥的过程是艰难的,不竭的动力才能帮你走到最后(Deliberate Practice is hard work and hard to keep going)

②外因:外界诱惑层出不穷,孟母三迁是有其合理性的(Maintain motivation can help you strengthen  the reasons to keep going and weaken the reasons to give up halfway.)


① 苦中作乐-将过程视为习惯的培养成长的责任(identify that period as their practice time created a sense of habit and duty)

② 抵制诱惑,对于回避干扰因素的事物(look for anything that might interfere with your training and find ways to minimize its influence.)

③目标可视化,拆分为阶段可操的,并将效果积极反馈自己(set things into a manageable series of goals and focus on them one at a time,give yourself a small reward each time you reach a goal.)

④相信自己会成功,功不唐捐(hold a belief that you can succeed)


1:... they generally spent more time being quizzed by others.....

quiz:to ask someone a lot of questions,提问,测试~~有款单词软件Quizlet 就是这个词哟

同义 question:

搭配:quiz somebody about/on/ over something

E.g. Four men have been quizzed about the murder, but no one has yet beencharged.

They quizzed me on my involvement in the scheme.

2:As a rule of thumb, I think that anyone who hopes to improve skill in a particular area should devote an hour

释义:rule of thumb a rough figure or method of calculation, based on practical experience:大拇指规则,根据经验,一般来说

例句:As a general rule of thumb, children this age should not spend morethan one hour on homework.

仿写:As a rule of thumb ,the one year-old children can walk alone.

常用thumb 词汇:thumb through v. 翻查。green thumb n. 有特殊园艺才能

3:One of the best bits of advice is to set things up so that you....

bit:a small amount of a substance or of something that is not a physical object,少量,很少

同义 a little;a bit of

例句: I may need a bit of water.

短语:bits and pieces(也作bits and bobs 英式):any small things of various kinds: 零碎的东西

日常说整理自己的零碎东西就以说:Let me get all my bits and pieces together.

注意:a bit /a bit of 用法区别

① a bit 用在 adj前或者动词后:

e.g:He's a bit shy (NOT a bit shy man.)  /  I cried a bit (NOT a bit cried)

②a bit of 用在名词前:

e.g.:  It was a bit of a strange decision (NOT a bit strange decision.)

仿写:  I need a bit of help to get all my bits and pieces together.

4: Set things up so that you are constantly seeing concrete signs of improvement, even if it is not always major improvement

释义:set up 常见是“建立”的意思,这里指“to make the arrangements that are necessary for something to happen”安排,计划的意思:

例句 :I’ll set up an appointment for you.

仿写:Setting up these tasks reasonablely could help me accomplish  on time.

1:意志力:willpower 、grit、stick-to-itiveness

2:living proof:活生生的例子

3:in a nutshell :总之

4:regime: 计划,plan

5:at its core: 关键部分


1: ... set things up so that you are constantly seeing concrete signs of improvement, even if it is not always major improvement. Break your long journey into a manageable series of goals and focus on them one at a time—perhaps even giving yourself a small reward each time you reach a goal.

觉得这是很适用的方法论。切分目标,细化可视化。就拿读书来说,自己以前每次年初都是立杆的好时机,年末都是想抱头重新开始,2017元旦,就明确给每个月列出了四本书单,文学类,社会学类,政治经济类各方便都涉及一点,每月在根据时间看80%,再细分到一本书每天看多少一周能看完一本,不断细分下,自己平均下来每月就看了2-3本书。虽然现在觉得有的读的是假书,但是觉得这样不断拆分细化的方法很有助于自己实现自己最终目标,step by step 可操作性强。

2: .... a belief that you can succeed. ···The power of such belief is so strong that it can even trump reality.

想起本杰明·富兰克林一句名言:一个人失败的最大原因,就是对自己能力永远不敢充分信任,甚至自己认为自己必将谁败无疑(没找到原话)。 俗话说“你自己都不相信自己谁会相信你”“有些事情相信着相信着就成真了”,当然也不是盲目的相信,自己选一个比较喜欢的方向,一个能力能够蹦到的高度,一个比较有发展前途的行业,加上正确的方法,相信自己一定会成功,坚持走下去,我相信每个人都会获得自己的成功。行不由径,功不唐捐。

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