

constructive total loss(保险法)推定全损    =constructive loss

1)Such serious damage to the insured property that the cost of repairs would exceed the value of the thing repaired.

2) Marine underwriting【海上保险】. According to the traditional American rule, such serious damage to the insured property that the cost of repair would exceed half of the thing repaired.


economic loss   经济损失

在产品责任诉讼中对经济损失的赔偿包括对瑕疵产品的修理或替换所需费用,以及由于价值不足而产生的商业损失【commercial loss】和因失去利润或使用效益而产生的间接损失。

general average loss   共同海损的损失

Marine underwriting. A loss at sea usu. incurred when cargo is thrown overboard to save the ship; a loss due to the voluntary and intentional sacrifice of parts of a venture (usu. cargo) to save the rest of the venture from imminent peril.


intangible loss   无形损失

The damage caused by the disruption of an intangible right or benefit.


net operating loss 经营净损失

The  excess of operating expense over revenues, the amount of which can be deducted from gross income of other deductions do not exceed gross income.


paper loss  账面损失     =unrealized loss

A loss that id realized only by selling something (such as a security) that has decreased in market value.


pecuniary loss   金钱损失

A loss of money or of something having monetary value.


salvage loss   海难救助损失

1) Generally, a loss that presumptively would have been a total loss of certain services had not been rendered.

2) Marine underwriting. The difference between the salvage value, less the salvage charges, and the original value of the insured property.

海上保险术语,指由于救助人的救助行为而避免的被保财产的损失总额,亦即被保护财产因救助而仍得以保存之部分的财产价值。  被保险财产的保险价值减去救助报酬和费用即为救助损失。

(来源:Black's Law Dictionary,《元照英美法词典》,《英汉法律用语词典》)
