
Today is Thursday.

The policemen stood for a while and then they went to get a ladder. They leaned the ladder against one of the gables of the house and climbed up. They looked a little scared when they climbed out on the ridge pole and carefully balanced themselves, went step by step, toward Pippi. Pippi told them there was nothing to be afraid of and it was fun. When the policemen were few steps away from Pippi, she jumped down from the chimney and, screeching and laughing, ran along the ridge pole to the opposite gable. A few feet from the house stood a tree. She cried and jumped right down into the crown of the tree, caught hold of a branch, swung back and forth a while, and then fell on the ground. Quick as a wink she dashed to the other side of the house and took away the ladder. The policemen had looked a little foolish when Pippi jumped, but they looked even more so when they had balanced themselves along the ridge pole and were about to climb down the ladder.
