菊风将亮相GSMA MWC2019世界移动大会(上海),全球领袖齐聚,诚邀您的莅临

菊风将亮相GSMA MWC2019世界移动大会(上海),全球领袖齐聚,诚邀您的莅临_第1张图片

MWC19 上海 - 智联万物将于6月26日至28日在上海举办,届时将吸引来自20多个国家和地区的全球领袖和首席执行官前来参与。大会将带您领略5G、物联网、人工智能、大数据等未来科技。

MWC19 Shanghai: experience how intelligent connectivity will shape our industry and our world, will be held on 26-28 June in Shanghai, which will attract global leaders and CEOs from more than 20 countries and regions to participate in. From the conference, you will have a glimpse of various future technologies, such as live 5G coverage, IoT, AI and big data.

在6月26日的大会中,菊风作为业内代表将参与GSMA未来网络研讨会 - 富通信业务消息传送,与众多业内重要从业者探讨富通信以及业务消息传送市场的现状、富通信现场活动取得的令人难以置信的成果、此平台带来的商机及市场潜力,以及富通信的战略愿景等。

On 26 June, Juphoon, as an industry representative, will participate in the GSMA future networks seminar - RCS business messaging and will discuss with industry players about the current status of RCS and business messaging markets, the incredible achievements of RCS on-site activities, the business opportunities and market potential brought about by the RCS platform and strategic visions of RCS.

菊风将亮相GSMA MWC2019世界移动大会(上海),全球领袖齐聚,诚邀您的莅临_第2张图片

周波,作为菊风RCS BU的负责人,将出席此次研讨会,为大家带来关于“RCS - 从通讯工具到商业载体”的精彩演讲。同时,也期待与更多业内专家和对RCS富通信业务消息感兴趣的企业或个人一同交流碰撞出新的火花。

Bo ZHOU, the vice president of Juphoon RCS BU, will attend this seminar and give a brilliant presentation about “RCS Transformation: from communication tool into the business ecosystem”. At the same time, we are also looking forward to communicating and brainstorming with more industry experts and enterprises or individuals who are interested in RCS business messaging.

菊风将亮相GSMA MWC2019世界移动大会(上海),全球领袖齐聚,诚邀您的莅临_第3张图片

菊风,进入RCS领域已经十余年,是国内唯一一家通过GSMA RCS UP 认证的 SDK 软件开发商,是国内最大的融合通信 RCS 解决方案提供商,也是中国移动融合通信RCS消息SDK官方战略合作伙伴。创立十多年来,坚持自主创新,致力于为运营商、通信设备制造商和移动互联网企业提供丰富的通信开发解决方案。

More than ten years ago, Juphoon stepped into the field of RCS and today it becomes the only Chinese SDK provider that has passed GSMA RCS UP verification. Also, as the biggest RCS solutions provider in China, Juphoon is the official RCS SDK provider of China Mobile, delivering a better native messaging solution to users. Over the past 14 years, Juphoon focuses on independent innovation and providing rich and unified communication solutions for network operators, manufacturers of communication tools and mobile internet enterprises.

会议时间:6月26日(周三)10:00 - 12:00

地址:卓美亚喜玛拉雅酒店,二层,儒 会议厅

Date & Time: 10:00 - 12:00, Wednesday, 26 June;

Venue: Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel, Level 2, Ru Room

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