No accounts with App Store Connect access have been found for the team "[My Team Name]". App Stor...

今天,用xcode 上传包到 APP store 出现报出问题。

No accounts with App Store Connect access have been found for the team

没有找到“[我的团队名称]”团队的App Store Connect access账号。App Store分发需要App Store Connect access。

1.点击图中的左下方的按钮 Manage Accounts... 进去页面后,选中账号,点击下面的-键,将账号删除;(或者在Xcode中直接按(command + ,)快捷键进入,选择accounts,选中账号按 - 键删除)
2.完全退出Xcode,然后再打开工程,进入后,按(command + ,)快捷键进入偏好设置,选中accounts,按+键,将开发者账号添加进去;3.重新提交版本即可;

No accounts with App Store Connect access have been found for the team
屏幕快照 2019-05-16 下午1.37.21.png


你可能感兴趣的:(No accounts with App Store Connect access have been found for the team "[My Team Name]". App Stor...)