Free minds and free men

Our aim is a means toward living a decent human life,the life of a free man of a free citizen.


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阴沉沉的天 呼啸的海风 肆虐的海浪 正中央孤立的小岛


Free minds and free men_第2张图片
不能忘记的人 不想忘记的人 多愁善感的人


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Every good conversation is a Unique thing.Good discussion of important problems in the light of great books is almost a complete exercise in the arts of thinking and communicating.

Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.  阅读使人充实,交谈使人机智,写作使人精确。

We all want to learn to think straight.

A great book may help us by the examples it affords of penetrating in sight and cogent analysis.A good discussion may give further support by catching us when we are thinking crooked.


Those who can read well, listen and talk well,have disciplined minds. Discipline is indispensable for a free use of our powers.

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Reading and with it thinking and learning is enjoyable for those who do it well.The better we can use our minds,the more we appreciate how good it is to be able to think and learn.所以阅读多好啊,它可以提升我们思考和欣赏的能力和水平,去读书吧,你总能得到些什么的。


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