70. 给老婆的锦囊


随身携带机票(Ticket),护照(Passport)、 电子签注表(EVUS)。

机票信息:香港到纽瓦克机场 (HK to Newark International Airport)
航班号 (Flight):UA180
出发时间 (Departure Time):11:15 , 1/21/2018
出发地点:Hong Kong
到达时间 (Arrival time):13:45, 1/21/2018

转机地点:Newark airport
纽约到休斯顿(New York to Houston)
航班号 (Flight):UA 687
出发时间 (Departure Time):15:50 , 1/21/2018
出发地点:(自己填上) 号航站楼
到达时间 (Arrival time):18:50 1/21/2018

这是你坐的美联航的标志,(united airlines)记住啦:

70. 给老婆的锦囊_第1张图片


Hello, this is my first time travelling abroad by myself alone, and I can’t speak English. I have a connecting flight UA687 to Houston International Airport, could you please help me find someone who can speak Chinese and will take Flight UA687 on this plane?


1,在飞机上可能会有空姐发放入境卡 (Landing Card),也有可能不发,如果不发的话,就在后面排队的地方拿一张,再找一个工作人员给他看这句英语,你可以要他帮你填。

Excuse me, could you please give me a landing card and help me with this? I don’t know any English, Thank you!

2,下飞机以后,顺着人走。走到标着Passport Control的地方就是检查护照的地方。在这里找写着All Passport 或者Global Passport 或者Other Passport的柜台排队。有一个方法就是跟着中国人走,莫跟着老美走,你跟他们不是一个柜台。如果找不到可以问人:

Do you know where the passport control is? (for Chinese)

3, 找到了开始排队。这时候准备好以下物品:1)护照;2)入境卡;3)往返机票; 4)电子签注。你转机时间很紧,可以求人家让插队,或者给旁边维持秩序的保安,拿这一句:

Excuse me, I rush to catch a connecting Flight UA687 in an hour, Can I cut in line ahead of you? Thanks!


Could you tell me where is the Customs?




Excuse me.


I came from Hong Kong, I can’t speak English.


I come to the America to visit my husband, and he is a visiting scholar in the University of Houston.


Could you help me, please?


Would you help me to find someone who can speak Chinese?



  1. 请问你可以给我一个毯子吗?

Could you give me a blanket?

  1. 请问你可以给我一个耳机吗?

Could you give me a headset?

  1. 请问你可以给我一个枕头吗?

Could you give me a pillow?

  1. 每隔一段时间会有乘务员推着小车送酒水饮料,趁这个机会再学几个单词短语:

(a) Hot tea(热茶)
(b) Hot coffee with milk (热加奶咖啡)
(c) Orange juice( 橙汁)
(d) Apple juice(苹果汁)
(e) Water(矿泉水)
(f) Coke without ice(可乐,不加冰)
(g) Sprite without ice(雪碧,不加冰)
(h)Beer (啤酒)
(i) Red Wine (红酒)

  1. 如果不舒服的话可以找空姐要热水,要不然他们给的可能都是冷水:

Excuse me,I am not feeling well. Could you please give me a cup of hot water?

  1. 到饭点,空姐会来送餐,再学几个单词:

(a) Beef(牛肉)
(b) Pork(猪肉)
(c) Chicken(鸡肉)
(d) Fish(鱼肉)



  1. 你好,我不会说英语。我的下班航班是UA687,去休斯顿国际机场的。你可以告诉我要到哪个候机楼的哪个登机口吗?谢谢。

Excuse me. I don’t speak English. My next flight is UA687 to HOUSTON INTERNATIONAL airport. Would you please tell me how to get my terminal and which gate I should go? Please write here my gate number: Terminal (候机楼) _____,Gate (登机口)_____.

  1. 找到那个登机口的话,可以看显示屏上的指示,看准你的航班号。为了确认,你甚至可以就近问服务人员:

Hello. Is this the right place to wait for UA687 to Houston?

  1. 如果没有人帮助的话,就跟着人群走,看到很多门的时候,或者有指示牌的时候注意了 :

“TRANSFER”,这个单词表示 转机。

  1. 出来以后,墙上应该会有很多电视屏幕,上面会有航班信息,找到左上角写着Departure(出发)的,然后在左边一列找到UA687,这是你的航班号,然后看它右面写了在几号登机口(Gates),找到那个数字的指示牌,跟着走就行了。


Dear Customs Officer:

My Wife,Ms. Yang is traveling to the U.S.A to visit me. We haven't met for almost half a year and miss each another very much.
My name is XC., ZHENG, and I am currently a visiting scholar in University of Houston. My address is: 5705 Edgemoor Dr. Apt #51, Houston, Texas, 77081. My telephone number is: 1-346-401-7614.
My wife will leave the U.S.A on 02/25/2018,and she has booked the air tickets back to Hong Kong.
My wife does not speak English. If you have any questions,would you please ask for help from an interpreter? My wife has all required documents with her.
My wife and I deeply appreciate your consideration and great help.

Best wishes,

Xc, Zheng


Dear United Airlines Officer:

My Wife,Ms. Yang is traveling to the U.S.A. to visit me. She bought a United Airlines connecting ticket from Hong Kong to Houston via Newark Airport transfer.
But now, as the connection time is too short for her to catch the next flight UA687, although she has not checked luggage, she needs to be arranged for to the next possible flight to Houston.
My wife does not speak English. If you have any questions,would you please ask for help from an interpreter? Or call me. My name is XC., ZHENG and my telephone number is 1-346-401-7614.
My wife and I deeply appreciate your consideration and help.

Best regards,

Xc, Zheng






你可能感兴趣的:(70. 给老婆的锦囊)