

16.Mr. West: Well, Ms. Smith, by how much do you plan to increase yourdonation to the cultural society this year? You know how many worth whileprojects we do.

Ms. Smith: I’m not so

sure of that. I was very upset about the statue you purchased last month. I

think I’llgive no more money to your cause.

Mr. West: That’s

all right: we’ll just put you down for the same amountthat you gave last year.

Which one of the following words or phraseshas been misinterpreted in the conversation?


(B)“you know”


(D)“no more”



17.Emperor: The enemy empire across the seahas harassed us for centuries. I want to conquer it and stop it once and forall. What advice can you give me?

Admiral: If you cross the sea, a mightyempire will fall.

Emperor: In that case, prepare the troops.We set sail tonight.

Of the following, the strongest criticism of

the Emperor’s decision to invade would be that it.

(A) Is certain to lead to the emperor’sdefeat

(B) Is based on opinion rather thanobjective facts about troop strength

(C) Contradicts the Admiral’sstatement

(D) Fails to consider fully the possible

meanings of the Admiral’s advice

(E) Is a futile strategy for solving theproblem at hand

