刻意练习peak chapter8 part1"天生我才”存在吗

第八章前一部分,作者的观点非常明确,不论是才华横溢的小提琴家Paganini,还是大音乐家Mozart,天才的冰球运动员Mario亦或神奇的跳高运动员Donald Thomas, 还是是拥用某种特殊才能的”自闭症“奇才,世上没有所谓天生的才能。通过两个问题,我们就可以揭开天才的秘密。

What is the talent? 

What practice led to the talent?

人们总期待生命中存在奇迹,我们常常赞叹某些人与生俱来的才能,似乎这些天才不费吹灰之力便从人群中 脱颖而出。同时在修习某项技能半途而废时常常抱怨自己天分不够。


People do not stop learning and improving because they have reached some innate limits on their performance; they stop learning and improving because, for whatever reasons, they stopped practicing—or never started.






原文:This belief holds that some people are born with natural endowments that make it easier for them to become outstanding athletes or musicians or chess players or writers or mathematicians or whatever. 

hold是我们很熟悉的单词,用法很多,在这句中是 “持有,怀有观点、信念”等意思;这个词在阅读中没障碍,不过平时自己不会用。

Hold is used with words and expressions indicating an opinion or belief, to show that someone has a particular opinion or believes that something is true.

Current thinking holds that ...

This belief holds that


2. catch one’s eye

注意eye这里是单数哦, 自己可能会用错

原文:One lady who was a regular attendee at Paganini’s performances had caught his eye, and as their attraction for one another intensified, ...

名词是eye-catching;闯入眼帘;突然引起…的注意;If something catches your eye, you suddenly notice it.

The girl in dark caught my eye when I came into the room.

3. Now the strings had to chide, and now to sigh; they had to whisper, to moan, to frisk, to rejoice and, at the end, to exult


4. dare

原文:So Thomas took him up on the dare.


A dare is a challenge which one person gives to another to do something dangerous or frightening.

He completed the difficult project on the dare from his friend.

5. clear

原文;Thomas, wearing his basketball shorts and shoes, cleared it easily.

clear在文中的意思是go over, past 越过,翻过之意

6. carry a tune

原文:This woman, no matter how hard she tried, would never be able to carry a tune.

carry a tune: to be able to sing accurately 跟得上调,不走调

My friend, Eric, likes music, but he could not carry a tune.

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