新浪的微博团队有开源自己的HttpDns方案出来,OSC的码云上项目地址,iOS版,项目的GitHub地址。腾讯有开放自己的HttpDns服务。阿里云 和 DNSPod 还推出了商业化的产品。其他公司在开发自有HttpDns服务时,大多也会参考前人的接口设计,及接入方法,如 普通HTTP请求接入,WebView接入,以及 HTTPS (SNI 与非SNI)接入 等。我们的 HttpDns 服务的设计也参考了一点阿里的思路,然而按照阿里的接入方法接入时却遇到了一些问题。
在移动端,我们通常不会关心Http请求的详细执行过程,一般是将URL传给网络库,比如OkHttp、Volley、HttpClient或HttpUrlConnection等,简单的设置一些必要的request header,发起请求,并在请求执行结束之后获取响应。我们通过HttpDns获得的只是一些IP地址列表,那要如何将这些IP地址应用到网络请求中呢?
将由HttpDns获得的IP地址应用到我们的网络请求中最简单的办法,就是在原有URL的基础上,将域名替换为IP,然后用新的URL发起HTTP请求。然而,标准的HTTP协议中服务端会将HTTP请求头中HOST字段的值作为请求的域名,在我们没有主动设置HOST字段的值时,网络库也会自动地从URL中提取域名,并为请求做设置。但使用HttpDns后,URL中的域名信息丢失,会导致默认情况下请求的HOST 头部字段无法被正确设置,进而导致服务端的异常。为了解决这个问题,需要主动地为请求设置HOST字段值,如:
String originalUrl = "http://www.wolfcstech.com/";
URL url = new URL(originalURL);
String originalHost = url.getHost();
// 同步接口获取IP
String ip = httpdns.getIpByHost(originalHost);
HttpURLConnection conn;
if (ip != null) {
// 通过HTTPDNS获取IP成功,进行URL替换和HOST头设置
url = new URL(originalUrl.replaceFirst(originalHost, ip));
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// 设置请求HOST字段
conn.setRequestProperty("Host", originHost);
} else {
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
这样是可以解决,服务器获取请求的域名的需要。然而,URL中的域名不只是服务器会用到。在客户端的网络库中,至少还有如下几个地方同样需要用到(具体可以参考 OkHttp3连接建立过程分析 和 OkHttp3中的代理与路由 ):
- COOKIE的存取。支持COOKIE存取的网络库,在存取COOKIE时,从URL中提取的域名通常是key的重要部分。
- 连接管理。连接的 Keep-Alive参数,可以让执行HTTP请求的TCP连接在请求结束后不会被立即关闭,而是先保持一段时间。为新发起的请求查找可用连接时,主要的依据也是URL中的域名。针对相同域名同时执行的HTTP请求的最大个数 6 个的限制,也需要借助于URL中的域名来完成。
- HTTPS的SNI及证书验证。SSL/TLS的SNI扩展用于支持虚拟主机托管。在SSL/TLS握手期间,客户端通过该扩展将要请求的域名发送给服务器,以便可以取到适当的证书。SNI信息也来源于URL中的域名。
阿里云建议 在使用HttpDns时关闭COOKIE。直接替换原URL中的域名发起请求,会使得对单域名的最大并发连接数限制退化为了对服务器IP地址的最大并发连接数限制;在发起HTTPS请求时,无法正确设置SNI信息只能拿到默认的证书,在域名验证时,会将IP地址作为验证的域名而导致验证失败。
HTTPS 域名证书验证问题 (不含SNI) 的解法
许多服务并不是多服务(域名)共用一个物理IP的,因而丢失SNI信息并不是特别的要紧。对于这种场景,解决掉域名证书的验证问题即可。针对 HttpsURLConnection 接口,方法如下:
try {
String url = "";
final String originHostname = "www.wolfcstech.com";
HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Host", originHostname);
connection.setHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
* 关于这个接口的说明,官方有文档描述:
* This is an extended verification option that implementers can provide.
* It is to be used during a handshake if the URL's hostname does not match the
* peer's identification hostname.
* 使用HTTPDNS后URL里设置的hostname不是远程的主机名(如:m.taobao.com),与证书颁发的域不匹配,
* Android HttpsURLConnection提供了回调接口让用户来处理这种定制化场景。
* 在确认HTTPDNS返回的源站IP与Session携带的IP信息一致后,您可以在回调方法中将待验证域名替换为原来的真实域名进行验证。
public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
return HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultHostnameVerifier().verify(originHostname, session);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
的 verify()
public class TlsSniSocketFactory extends SSLSocketFactory {
private final String TAG = TlsSniSocketFactory.class.getSimpleName();
HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultHostnameVerifier();
private HttpsURLConnection conn;
public TlsSniSocketFactory(HttpsURLConnection conn) {
this.conn = conn;
public Socket createSocket() throws IOException {
return null;
public Socket createSocket(String host, int port) throws IOException, UnknownHostException {
return null;
public Socket createSocket(String host, int port, InetAddress localHost, int localPort) throws IOException, UnknownHostException {
return null;
public Socket createSocket(InetAddress host, int port) throws IOException {
return null;
public Socket createSocket(InetAddress address, int port, InetAddress localAddress, int localPort) throws IOException {
return null;
// TLS layer
public String[] getDefaultCipherSuites() {
return new String[0];
public String[] getSupportedCipherSuites() {
return new String[0];
public Socket createSocket(Socket plainSocket, String host, int port, boolean autoClose) throws IOException {
String peerHost = this.conn.getRequestProperty("Host");
if (peerHost == null)
peerHost = host;
Log.i(TAG, "customized createSocket. host: " + peerHost);
InetAddress address = plainSocket.getInetAddress();
if (autoClose) {
// we don't need the plainSocket
// create and connect SSL socket, but don't do hostname/certificate verification yet
SSLCertificateSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = (SSLCertificateSocketFactory) SSLCertificateSocketFactory.getDefault(0);
SSLSocket ssl = (SSLSocket) sslSocketFactory.createSocket(address, port);
// enable TLSv1.1/1.2 if available
// set up SNI before the handshake
Log.i(TAG, "Setting SNI hostname");
sslSocketFactory.setHostname(ssl, peerHost);
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "No documented SNI support on Android <4.2, trying with reflection");
try {
java.lang.reflect.Method setHostnameMethod = ssl.getClass().getMethod("setHostname", String.class);
setHostnameMethod.invoke(ssl, peerHost);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.w(TAG, "SNI not useable", e);
// verify hostname and certificate
SSLSession session = ssl.getSession();
if (!hostnameVerifier.verify(peerHost, session))
throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException("Cannot verify hostname: " + peerHost);
Log.i(TAG, "Established " + session.getProtocol() + " connection with " + session.getPeerHost() +
" using " + session.getCipherSuite());
return ssl;
public void recursiveRequest(String path, String reffer) {
URL url = null;
try {
url = new URL(path);
conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// 同步接口获取IP
String ip = httpdns.getIpByHostAsync(url.getHost());
if (ip != null) {
// 通过HTTPDNS获取IP成功,进行URL替换和HOST头设置
Log.d(TAG, "Get IP: " + ip + " for host: " + url.getHost() + " from HTTPDNS successfully!");
String newUrl = path.replaceFirst(url.getHost(), ip);
conn = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(newUrl).openConnection();
// 设置HTTP请求头Host域
conn.setRequestProperty("Host", url.getHost());
TlsSniSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = new TlsSniSocketFactory(conn);
conn.setHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
* 关于这个接口的说明,官方有文档描述:
* This is an extended verification option that implementers can provide.
* It is to be used during a handshake if the URL's hostname does not match the
* peer's identification hostname.
* 使用HTTPDNS后URL里设置的hostname不是远程的主机名(如:m.taobao.com),与证书颁发的域不匹配,
* Android HttpsURLConnection提供了回调接口让用户来处理这种定制化场景。
* 在确认HTTPDNS返回的源站IP与Session携带的IP信息一致后,您可以在回调方法中将待验证域名替换为原来的真实域名进行验证。
public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
String host = conn.getRequestProperty("Host");
if (null == host) {
host = conn.getURL().getHost();
return HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultHostnameVerifier().verify(host, session);
int code = conn.getResponseCode();// Network block
if (needRedirect(code)) {
String location = conn.getHeaderField("Location");
if (location == null) {
location = conn.getHeaderField("location");
if (!(location.startsWith("http://") || location
.startsWith("https://"))) {
URL originalUrl = new URL(path);
location = originalUrl.getProtocol() + "://"
+ originalUrl.getHost() + location;
recursiveRequest(location, path);
} else {
// redirect finish.
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
int len;
byte[] buff = new byte[4096];
StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
while ((len = dis.read(buff)) != -1) {
response.append(new String(buff, 0, len));
Log.d(TAG, "Response: " + response.toString());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "recursiveRequest MalformedURLException");
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "recursiveRequest IOException");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.w(TAG, "unknow exception");
} finally {
if (conn != null) {
private boolean needRedirect(int code) {
return code >= 300 && code < 400;
但这种解法是否真的可行呢?OkHttp被集成进AOSP并作为Android Java层的HTTP stack已经有一段时间了,我们就通过OkHttp的代码来看一下这种方法是否真的可行。
private void connectTls(ConnectionSpecSelector connectionSpecSelector) throws IOException {
Address address = route.address();
SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = address.sslSocketFactory();
boolean success = false;
SSLSocket sslSocket = null;
try {
// Create the wrapper over the connected socket.
sslSocket = (SSLSocket) sslSocketFactory.createSocket(
rawSocket, address.url().host(), address.url().port(), true /* autoClose */);
// Configure the socket's ciphers, TLS versions, and extensions.
ConnectionSpec connectionSpec = connectionSpecSelector.configureSecureSocket(sslSocket);
if (connectionSpec.supportsTlsExtensions()) {
sslSocket, address.url().host(), address.protocols());
// Force handshake. This can throw!
Handshake unverifiedHandshake = Handshake.get(sslSocket.getSession());
// Verify that the socket's certificates are acceptable for the target host.
if (!address.hostnameVerifier().verify(address.url().host(), sslSocket.getSession())) {
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) unverifiedHandshake.peerCertificates().get(0);
throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException("Hostname " + address.url().host() + " not verified:"
+ "\n certificate: " + CertificatePinner.pin(cert)
+ "\n DN: " + cert.getSubjectDN().getName()
+ "\n subjectAltNames: " + OkHostnameVerifier.allSubjectAltNames(cert));
// Check that the certificate pinner is satisfied by the certificates presented.
// Success! Save the handshake and the ALPN protocol.
String maybeProtocol = connectionSpec.supportsTlsExtensions()
? Platform.get().getSelectedProtocol(sslSocket)
: null;
socket = sslSocket;
source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(socket));
sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(socket));
handshake = unverifiedHandshake;
protocol = maybeProtocol != null
? Protocol.get(maybeProtocol)
: Protocol.HTTP_1_1;
success = true;
} catch (AssertionError e) {
if (Util.isAndroidGetsocknameError(e)) throw new IOException(e);
throw e;
} finally {
if (sslSocket != null) {
if (!success) {
@Override public void configureTlsExtensions(
SSLSocket sslSocket, String hostname, List protocols) {
// Enable SNI and session tickets.
if (hostname != null) {
setUseSessionTickets.invokeOptionalWithoutCheckedException(sslSocket, true);
setHostname.invokeOptionalWithoutCheckedException(sslSocket, hostname);
// Enable ALPN.
if (setAlpnProtocols != null && setAlpnProtocols.isSupported(sslSocket)) {
Object[] parameters = {concatLengthPrefixed(protocols)};
setAlpnProtocols.invokeWithoutCheckedException(sslSocket, parameters);
HTTPS (含SNI) 解法二
只定制 SSLSocketFactory 的方法,看起来是比较难以达成目的了,有人就想通过更深层的定制,即同时自定义SSLSocket来实现,如GitHub中的 某项目。
但这种方法的问题更严重。支持SSL扩展的许多接口,都不是标准的SSLSocket接口,比如用于支持SNI的setHostname()接口,用于支持ALPN的setAlpnProtocols() 和 getAlpnSelectedProtocol() 接口等。这样的接口还会随着SSL/TLS协议的发展而不断增加。许多网路库,如OkHttp,在调用这些接口时主要通过反射完成。而在自己定义SSLSocket实现的时候,很容易遗漏掉这些接口的实现,进而折损掉某些系统本身支持的SSL扩展。
具体而言,是使用那些可以定制Dns逻辑的网络库,比如OkHttp,或者 我们在Chromium的网络库基础上做的库,实现域名解析的接口,并在该接口的实现中通过HttpDns模块来执行域名解析。这样就不会对网络库造成那么多未知的冲击。
private static class MyDns implements Dns {
public List lookup(String hostname) throws UnknownHostException {
List strIps = HttpDns.getInstance().getIpByHost(hostname);
List ipList;
if (strIps != null && strIps.size() > 0) {
ipList = new ArrayList<>();
for (String ip : strIps) {
} else {
ipList = Dns.SYSTEM.lookup(hostname);
return ipList;
private OkHttp3Utils() {
okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder();
builder.dns(new MyDns());
mOkHttpClient = builder.build();