
1. Ongoing : adj,current happening .                                                                           E.g. If something is ongoing, it is currently in action.                                                     Synonyms: on-going , current
2. Perpetual: adj, continuing forever or indefinitely                                                            E.g. If you're a perpetual proscrastingator, your dilly-dallying ways are never going to improve . 如果你是一贯拖拉的人,你磨蹭的方式永远无法被改进。
3. Curiosity : n, a state in which you want to learn more about thinking something                          Synonyms: wondering.                                                                                           E.g. If you find a diary in a coffee shop, curiosity will make you want to look inside.
4. Asserted :V, declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true.                                          The verb assertcan be used for both opinions and for oneself. When asked, you can politely assert your desire to go to the amusement park for your birthday.
5. Disprove: V. prove to be false. When you disprovesomething, you argue against it or give evidence that it's not true.                                                                                    E.g.The physicist disproved his colleagues' theories.                                                        Synonyms: confute
6. peer review :V. evaluate professionally a colleague's work 同行评审                            E.g. This is done by the brutal system of  peer  review,which has its flaws.这一切要由残酷的同业互查系统来做,而它有自己的缺陷                                                              Synonyms: referee
7. comet: N. A comet is a small, icy object that orbits the sun and has a long "tail" of gas. Comets are made of ice, dust, and tiny pieces of rock, but to people on Earth, they look like streaks or smudges across the night sky.
8. speculative: Adj.not based on fact or investigation . 推测性的。Anything speculative is based on prediction: whatever it is hasn't happened yet.
9.Astonishment:  N. the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprisingis what you feel when you're extremely surprised. Astonishmentis what you feel when you're extremely surprised.令人惊讶的事物                                                                       Synonyms :amazement .
10.artillery : I: large but transportable armament   II: a means of persuading or arguing .  In the artical be mentioned "It was an as though an artillery shell has bounced back off the tissure paper" 炮弹
11. compelling: adj. 1.driving or forcing  2. tending to persuade by forcefulness of argument .  Compelling means attractive, or irresistible, or really, really convincing.  E.g.We have  compelling reasons for doing so.
12: apparatus : designed to serve a specific function;  a group of body parts that work together to perform a given function .  Your apparatus is the collective equipment you use for specific purposes. E.g.We require the agency in our market for your precision  apparatus.
13.eclipse :n. one celestial body obscures another                                                                          v.cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention;                                E.g.The  sun eclipse the moon today.                                                                                     greater in significance than   
14. crater : n. a bowl-shaped geological formation at the top of a volcano                        A crater is a roundish dent left in the surface of something by the impact of something else.  E.g. Look at your divot hole, too—you want long and shallow, not a  bomb crater.
15. astrolabe: n.An  astrolabe is an ancient instrument used for estimating the altitude and predicting the position of celestial objects, such as the moon, other planets, and stars.
16.rediscover: again                                                                                               E.g. I rediscoverd the books that I enjoyed as a child.
17.monopoly :n.exclusive control or possession of something                                                                 A monopoly is the exclusive ownership or control of something.
18. groundbreaking :adj.being or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before  E.g.Officials will hold a  groundbreaking ceremony at 9 a.m. on Tuesday.
19.illustration.n. a visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject more pleasing or easier to understand.                                                                                        E.g.During the 1950s, Warhol used this blotting technique to draw, among other things, whimsical  illustrations of shoes.    
20.flea :A flea is a tiny biting insect that's especially common on dogs.                                          E.g. Oddly, human vectors are never implicated, only the rats and  fleas.
