雅思口语day07 每一天都想放弃,可是不能啊

主题词汇 家庭

与家庭日常相关的词汇:do everyday things/ discuss one's day/ go on vocation/ chill out

与自己住相关的词汇:independence/ freedom

与家庭关系有关的:extended  family/ immediate family/ family bonds

家庭对人的影响:push ... to do/ form good habits/ support/ interfere with ones/s decision


Greatly! I think who I am is basically a result of my family's influence on me. My parents always support me in whatever I want to do. They also helped me to form good habits when I was little. For example, they insisted that I should start my homework as soon as possible, so that I wouldn't be in a rush when the deadline approached. In addition , they never push me to do things that I don't want to do, nor will they interfere with my decisions.

连贯度 年轻人与老人

表示年轻人的短语:teenagers/ the younger generation/ the youth/ the young

表示老年人的短语:senior citizens/ the older generation/ the elderly/ elderly people

比较和对比:in contract/ compared to/ however/ on the contrary


Not really, most older people prefer traditional dancing, kind of like line-dancing! It's a real social activity as they get to exercise and meet and talk with friends and neighbors. However, the younger generation enjoys modern dancing more such as hip-hop moves.


No, I think elderly people are usually relaxed, which allows for more flexibility during their days and weeks. In contrast, the youth are probably more stressed to organize their time well.

连贯度 补充信息

补充信息:at the same time/ in addition/ as well/ what's more/ plus/ also


Definitely a place with distinct seasons. It divides up the year nicely. Also, it's nice to have a reason to update my wardrobe. Plus, it's really 

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