Zootopia Read-Along Storybook 2

Now they were melting down the Jumbo-pop and refreezing it into smaller "pawpsicles", which they were selling to lemmings.

Judy couldn't believe it.

Judy caught up to Nick.

"I stood up for you, and you lied to me!"

Nick shrugged, "It's called a hustle, sweetheart."

"All right, look, everyone comes to Zootopia thinking they can be anything they want.

Well, you can't. You can only be what you are."

Nick pointed to himself "Sly fox" and then Judy "Dumb bunny".

That hurt Judy's feelings. "I'm not a dumb bunny!"

"Right. And that's not wet cement."

Judy looked down, she had hopped into some drying cement.

Nick shook his head. "You'll never be a real cop."

The next day, a pig run up to Judy.

His flower shop had just been robbed by a weasel!

Judy chased the bandit all around Little Rodentia before finally catching him.

But when Judy brought the thief to ZPD, Chief Bogo was angry.

The chase had caused a lot of damage. Judy was confused.

"Sir, I got the bad guy, That's my job."

"Your job is putting tickets on parked cars."

Suddenly, Judy and Chief Bogo were interrupted by a very upset Mrs. Otterton.

Her husband had been missing for ten days!

Judy knew this was her chance.

She offered to find Mr. Otterton.

Before Chief Bogo could argue, Duputy Mayor Bellwether appeared.

She had heard that Judy was taking the case. She was thrilled.

Chief Bogo had no choice. "I will give you forty-eight hours. But you strike out, you resign."

Judy gulped. "Oh, uh...Okay. Deal."

Judy's only clue in the case was a photo of Mr. Otterton.

In it, he was eating a pawpsicle. That meant Nick knew him.

Judy went to find the sly fox.

She tricked him into admitting that he had committed a crime and made him agree to help her.

Judy and Nick soon found out that Mr. Otterton had been seen getting into a car with the licese plate 29THD03.

The pair went to the DMV, where Nick's friend Flash the Sloth worked.

Judy approached Flash.

"Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us." Flash agreed.

But the sloth moved so slowly that it took him all day to get Judy the answer!

Nick had known talking to Flash would stall Judy.

He was trying to get her to give up! But the bunny wasn't about to drop the case.

Finally, Nick and Judy learned that Mr. Otterton had been driven away in the back of a limo.

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