
打造轻量级OLAP(二):Hive + Elasticsearch - Treant - 博客园

  1. 引言
    Relational DB ⇒ Databases ⇒ Tables ⇒ Rows ⇒ ColumnsElasticsearch ⇒ Indices ⇒ Types ⇒ Documents ⇒ Fields

  2. 写数据
    add jar /path/elasticsearch-hadoop-2.3.1.jar;create external table ad_tag (dvc string,medias array,c1_arr array,week_time string)stored by 'org.elasticsearch.hadoop.hive.EsStorageHandler'tblproperties('es.nodes' = ':9200','es.resource' = 'ad-{week_time}/tag','es.mapping.exclude' = 'week_time');

在设计Hive表结构时,ES的计算UV的distinct count(cardinality
)存在着计算误差;因此,我们按dvc对其他字段做了聚合,UV的计算转换成了ES doc命中数。其中,es.nodes
set hive.map.aggr = false;insert overwrite table ad_tagselect media, a.dvc as dvc, case when c1_arr is null then array('empty') else c1_arr end as c1_arr, '2016-10-08' as week_timefrom (select dvc, app_name as mediafrom ad_logwhere is_exposure = '1' and day_time between date_sub('2016-10-08', 6) and '2016-10-08'group by dvc, app_name) a left outer join (select dvc, collect_set(c1) as c1_arrfrom taglateral view inline(tag) in_tbwhere day_time = '2016-10-08'group by dvc) bon a.dvc = b.dvc;

在写ES时,在构建索引时不需要分词,通过PUT index template方式实现之:
{ "template": "ad", "mappings": { "default": { "_source": { "compress": true }, "dynamic_templates": [ { "string_template": { "mapping": { "include_in_all": false, "index": "not_analyzed", "type": "string", "index_options": "docs" }, "match": "" } } ] } }}

  1. 多维分析
    Aggregation,相当于SQL中的group by部分,在aggs内部也可以套用filter。

DSL可以嵌套,表达异常复杂的查询操作;但是,DSL过于冗长罗嗦。因此,官方提供了elasticsearch-dsl-py,可以将DSL等同于一段Python代码。我们的多维分析器便是基于此实现的(Python 3.5 + elasticsearch_dsl 2.1.0)
整体上曝光UV、有标签的UV、除去常用标签UV,以及每一个媒体上曝光UV、有标签的UV、除去常用标签UV的分析(相当于group by media with cube):
def per_media(index_name): """count(distinct dvc) group by media with cube""" ms = MultiSearch(using=client, index=index_name) all_doc = Search() all_doc.aggs.bucket('per_media', 'terms', field='medias', size=1000) tagged = Search().query('filtered', filter=~Q('term', c1_arr='empty')) tagged.aggs.bucket('per_media', 'terms', field='medias', size=1000) useful = Search().query('filtered', filter=~Q('term', c1_arr='empty') & Q('script', script="""['常驻地', '性别'].intersect(doc['c1_arr'].values).size() < doc['c1_arr'].values.size()""")) useful.aggs.bucket('per_media', 'terms', field='medias', size=1000) ms = ms.add(all_doc) ms = ms.add(tagged) ms = ms.add(useful) responses = ms.execute() result_list = [] result_dict = defaultdict(lambda: []) for resp in responses: # get per media uv(all, tagged, useful_tagged) print("Query %d: %r." % (responses.index(resp), resp.search.to_dict())) result_list.append(resp.hits.total) for buck in resp.aggregations['per_media']['buckets']: result_dict[buck['key']].append(buck['doc_count']) for k, v in result_dict.items(): # fill up default value 0 if len(v) < 3: result_dict[k] = v + [0] * (3 - len(v)) return result_list, result_dict

def per_media_c1(index_name):
"""return {(media, c1) -> tagged_uv}"""
s = Search(using=client, index=index_name)
tagged = s.query('filtered', filter=~Q('term', c1_arr='empty'))
tagged.aggs.bucket('per_media', 'terms', field='medias', size=1000)
.bucket('per_c1', 'terms', field='c1_arr', size=100)
result = {}
response = tagged.execute()
for buck in response.aggregations['per_media']['buckets']:
key = buck['key']
for b in buck['per_c1']['buckets']:
result[(key, b['key'])] = b['doc_count']
return result
