
1,从本篇文章中我学到的最重要的概念: Reading this kind of narrative article should be divided into the structure first, then carefully analyze the topic sentences of each paragraph,so as to better understand the article.

2,我在本片文章中学到的怦然心动的词:recall.  vt.回想,回忆起                          inquiry.  n.查询,请求.                          acquaint.  vt. 把…通知某人,使某人了解  ease.  vt.减轻,舒缓 

3,在本片文章中我最喜欢的一句话:Tears filled her eyes and this time I held her while she cried. 泪水盈满了她的双眼,这一次我抱着她,她哭了。 

4,我在学习今天材料中遇到的困难:It is difficult to sum up each paragraph of the kind of narrative article. And I can't attain the topic sentence of each paragraph accurately.

5,语伴给我的建议: 平常多看看叙事类的英语文章,练习总结每段的主旨句           

6,我的一些其他感受和收获:  英语中叙事类文章大意比较好理解,但是主旨句不好找,这样不利于做题,应多多练习           

