The American Accent Course:The Rhythm and Intonation

The America Accent Training Note

The Rhythm and Intonation

Rule One :  Basics of Syllable Stress

Stress Sounds :Louder , longer and higher in pitch

Rule Two :  Syllable of Verbs and Nouns

RULE :  1. Noun , stress first syllable when it's two syllable

                                 I.E.  Record----------'Record ;  Object------'Object

2.Verb ,  stress second syllable for over seventy percentage word

                                 I.E.  Record----------Re 'cord ;  Object------Ob 'ject

I.E.sentence :  ——Did he  inSULT  him ?          ——Yes , I heard the INsult

Rule Three :  "ATE" Words

RULE :  1. Fully pronouncing the "ATE" if it's a verb

                                 I.E.  Graduate---------gradu'ate    Estimate---------estim'ate

2.     Reduced it to "et/i:t/" if it's a adj or noun

                                 I.E.  Graduate---------gradu'et     Estimate---------estim'et

Rule Four :  Stress Rules for Suffixes

RULE :  1.-ESE-ending ,  stress suffix  

                                      I.E.  Chinese------------chinESE            Japanese---------japanESE

2.-EER-ending ,  stress suffix

                                       I.E.  Volunteer----------voluntEER       Engineer---------enginEER

3.-IQUE-ending ,  stress suffix

                                       I.E.  Technique---------technIQUE

4.-IC-ending ,  stress syllable berore suffix

                                      I.E.  Realistic------------reaLISTic          Electric-----------elecTRic

Rule Five :  How Unstressed Syllable Work


1. Unstressed vowels reduce to /ə/

2.  Unstressed vowels be omitted

Rule Six :  Basics of Stressing the right words wthin sentence

Content words :  The words carry most meaning of sentence And should be Jump up tone when we  speaking

Function words :  Not necessary for means of sentence.

                            I.E.  I will be driving to market--------I will be ''driving to ''market

RULE :  1. Second content word gets more stress  when there are to content words

                            I.E. I got a job---------------I got a ''job

2.Stressing the noun but reducing the pronoun

                           I.E. I ''got it---------------I 'got a ''job

Rule Seven :  Focus Words and Thought Group

Thought Group :  A simplify sentence

Focus Word :  Most important word of a thought group

RULE :  Stress the focus words of thought group

Rule Eight :  How to Stress Adjectives and Nouns

RULE :  Stress noun more than adjective 

                             I.E.  I have FIVE----------I have five DOLLAR

Rule Nine :  Compound Nouns

RULE :  Stress first word of a compound noun And join together

                             I.E.   Fore head-------FOREhead      Ear ring------EARring

Rule Ten :  Rules for Stressing Phrasal Verbs

RULE :  1. Stress second word if it used as verb 

                                  I.E. Break up---------break UP

2. Stress first words if it used as noun

                                  I.E. I had a work out----------------I had a WORK out

Rule Eleven :  Name of Places and people

RULE :  1. Stress second word when there are two words

                                 I.E. South America------------south AMERICA

2. Stress last word when there are three words 

                                 I.E.  Martin Luther Kim----------martin luther KIM

Rule Twelve :  Abbrevations and Numbers

RULE :  1. Stress last letter of an abbreviation 

                                   I.E.  Ph.D---------------phD          CIA-----------ciA

2. Number , generally stress last number

Rule Thirteen :  Stress for Special Emphasis

Rule Fourteen :  Rising and Falling Intonation

RULE :  1. Statement , pitch goes down

2. Question ,:

 [1]Yes/No question , rising intonation

                                 I.E. Are you hungry ?               Rising intonation

[2], WH question , falling intonation

                                 I.E.  What are you think ?        Falling intonation

Rule Fifth :  Changing Intonation

RULE : 1. Items in series using changing Intonation

                                       I.E.  I buy apple(up) , pear(up) and grape(down).

2. Give a choice  

                                     I.E.  Should I call you(up) or email you(down) ?

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