Volunteering in Vietnam 01----My introduction to the kids in Lao Cai

Volunteering in Vietnam 01----My introduction to the kids in Lao Cai_第1张图片

Hi, I'm Leon from China.The name of my hometown is Qingdao, a beautiful seaside city in east China. I'm a father of a three years old boy.This is my first time to Vietnam as well as my first time to stay with so many little children in another country. I want to thank Hempel for giving me the opptunity of coming here and I am very excited about the next few days hanging up with you guys. I hope you would like us and have a lot of fun.

I am 35 years old, maybe the same age as your fathers', or a little older. When I was in your age, I lived in a samll village of northern China. We didn't have much money so that my parents can't afford to give me too much. Basicly they fed me against starve, and dressed me against cold, that's all. They taught me something, and punished me for my disobedience, then, they sent me to school.

As a child, I didn't think there were something wrong with my life, until I got into school and saw a bigger world outside. I realised there were too many things to learn and too much unknown to explore. I desired a better life and a more integral mind. So I read a lot, thought a lot, learnt hard to get a high score, did exercise to make me strong, and told myself to insist at everyday. Then I got into one of the best universities in China. That university located in Shanghai, the most modern city of the country. I still remember the first day I came to shanghai. Every thing is different , every thing is fantastic. I was extremely excited, at the same time, totally freaked out.

I learnt fast and eagerly by myself, like a protege without a mentor, on the other hand, surrounded by millions of mentors. Sometime i was clumsy and improper, sometime I got confused and frustrated. Luckily, I found something valuable whose name is dream. I couldn't say I had no dream before, but just some unspecific imagination, even you can't call that a dream. At that time, I knew what is my dream: To explore and understand, to experience and creative, as more as I can; At the same time, make money for my self, for my family, for people I want to help, as more as I can.

I always remember a passage from a book that I read in high school.

Anyway, I always imagine that a group of young children in a large wheat field to play games. Thousands and tens of thousands of children, no one around -- nobody big, I mean -- except me. For me, standing on the cliff edge. My job is to watch there, and if there are children to the edge of the cliff. I have to from somewhere and catch them. I do this all day. I just want to be a catcher in the rye. I know this is what I really can indulge in the wildest fantasy, like doing. I know this place.

Yes, I'd like to be a catcher in the rye. And now here we are. We would like to be the catchers in the rye, more than this, we would like to be the lifters in the tower. We were not only going to keep you safe, but also help you to stand higher. If you stand higher, you see further. If you see further, you maybe see your dream. That's exactly what I want to say. And that's exactly why we are here.

Ok, let's talk about this little instrument in my right hand, we call it "Harmonica". You know, harmonica can't help you make money, or get onto high-rank in the society either. It is only able to make music, and make you happy, as well as, make other people happy. Life is a long long adventure and trip. When you grow up, get a job, get married, and have your own children, you're gonna find life is tough, harsh,and full of challenges. You maybe realize you would never be happy like when you were a kid, like now. So, this thing, little music angel, can make you happy. Sometimes, you just can't find someone else to talk, you can talk to her. Please, concentrate on this lesson, if you don't like this, it's ok, then you can find another thing that you keep as a hobby. Remember, find something you love by your heart, and protect it, maintain it. I promise here, you will know on some day in the future, it does make sense, and be well worth.    

That's all. Thank you !

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