比特币闪电网络:可扩展的 off-chain 即时支付
Joseph Poon
Thaddeus Dryja
This construction, a Revocable Sequence Maturity Contract (RSMC),
creates two paths, with very specific contract terms.
The contract terms are:
All parties pay into a contract with an output enforcing this contract
Both parties may agree to send funds to some contract, with some
waiting period (1000 confirmations in our example script). This is the
revocable output balance.
One or both parties may elect to not broadcast (enforce) the payouts
until some future date; either party may redeem the funds after the
waiting period at any time.
If neither party has broadcast this transaction (redeemed the funds),
they may revoke the above payouts if and only if both parties agree to
do so by placing in a new payout term in a superseding transaction pay-
out. The new transaction payout can be immediately redeemed after
the contract is disclosed to the world (broadcast on the blockchain).
In the event that the contract is disclosed and the new payout structure
is not redeemed, the prior revoked payout terms may be redeemed by
either party (so it is the responsibility of either party to enforce the
new terms).
参考:流言蜚语协议 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_protocol