assign vs weak, __block vs __weak


@property(nonatomic(1),strong(2))UIImageView *imageView;

*strong *
strong 和 weak 是在arc后引入的关键字,strong类似于retain,引用时候会引用计算+1,weak相反,不会改变引用计数。
weak和assign都是引用计算不变,两个的差别在于,weak用于object type,就是指针类型,而assign用于简单的数据类型,如int BOOL 等。

Has an assign attribute, AND Has been deallocated. Thus when you attempt to call the respondsToSelector method on delegate, you get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS. This is because objects that use the assign property will not be set to nil when they are deallocated. (Hence why doing a !self.delegate before the respondsToSelector does not prevent the responseToSelector from being called on a deallocated object, and still crashes your code) The solution is to use the weak attribute, because when the object deallocates, the pointer WILL be set the nil . So when your code calls respondsToSelector on a nil, Objective C will ignore the call, and not crash.

block 不能修改局部变量,如果需要修改需要加上__block.
block 会对对象强引用,引起retain-cycle,需要使用__weak

__weak __typeof(&*self)weakSelf =self;


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