一起来《ZERO to ONE》中挖掘演讲素材吧(1/15)

D1-170311-ZERO to ONE / Preface-1 (Daily task for JER 2.5)

《ZERO to ONE》中:




15 days

1 Chapter per day

3 points per Chapter

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Come with JennyLu!


About Innovation

Doing what we already know how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But every time we create something new, we go from 0 to 1.

About Technology

Technology is miraculous because it allows us to do more with less, ratcheting up our fundamental capabilities to a higher level.

About College students

College students can become extremely skilled at a few specialties, but many never learn what to do with those skills in the wider world [1]. My primary goal in teaching the class was to help my students see beyond the tracks laid down by academic specialties to the broader future [2] that is theirs to create.



一起来《ZERO to ONE》中挖掘演讲素材吧(1/15)_第1张图片

Doing what we already know how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But every time we create something new, we go from 0 to 1.

“1 to n” & “0 to 1”

这两个概念可以很好地帮助你回答“What's innovation?”。进一步地,不妨利用Bill Gates & an operating system,Larry Page or Sergey Brin & a search engine的例子,来详细说明哪些实现从0到1突破的人们如何占据了first mover advantage(先发优势),从而论证创新的重要性。


一起来《ZERO to ONE》中挖掘演讲素材吧(1/15)_第2张图片

Technology is miraculous because it allows us to do more with less, ratcheting up our fundamental capabilities to a higher level.

to do more with less



(From: www.vocabulary.com, 点开可看大图)

一起来《ZERO to ONE》中挖掘演讲素材吧(1/15)_第3张图片

College students

一起来《ZERO to ONE》中挖掘演讲素材吧(1/15)_第4张图片
college students

College students can become extremely skilled at a few specialties, but many never learn what to do with those skills in the wider world [1]. My primary goal in teaching the class was to help my students see beyond the tracks laid down by academic specialties to the broader future [2] that is theirs to create.


[1] 可用于谈论长期待在象牙塔里,缺乏实践经验的小朋友。

[2] 可用于谈论大学通识教育的重要性,也可说明“行万里路”的重要性:不同的路径,为我们提供了广阔的可能性。你会渐渐了解,当把目标设在Z点时,我未必需要老老实实循着ABC~Z的路径,可以先到达甲乙,甚至从α到β,再到Z。

Likewise, all ways lead to ROME.

Humans are distinguished from other species by our ability to work miracles.                                                                                @Peter Thiel

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