
Fact 1 – He once fell into a well and survived

Di Maria and his family had move to a new home and he was only one year old still using a walker. He recounts the story like this “I was a year old and had a baby walker and went outside and fell into a well. I was lucky because they saved me in time otherwise I wouldn’t be here to talk about it.”

1. 「细思极恐」- 曾经掉井里,最终获救


Fact 2 – His first transfer fee were 35 footballs

He was playing for local club Torito when a scout from Rosario Central first spotted him. During an interview to Real Madrid TV he tells the story “They drove a hard bargain to release me. The transfer fee was 35 footballs.” Di Maria was only four years old at that time, so we need to keep that in mind, but nevertheless an interesting story.

2. 「神转会费」 —— 35个足球的促成转会

4岁的时候,他在当地俱乐部 Torito 踢球,被罗萨里奥中央的球探看中。他回忆说:“他们当时想我加盟,但谈判陷入僵局,最后他们送我35个足球,我就加盟了”。对一个当时只有4岁的孩子来说,35个足球,是一个天文数字了。

Fact 3 – His doctor told him to be a footballer

Di Maria was a problem child from a young age, so his mother took him to see a doctor when he was three years old looking for help in finding a solution. He recounts the story “My mother got tired of me breaking everything in the house so she took me to see a doctor when I was three. I was running around the examination room breaking everything. The doctor just said ‘Sign him up for a sport’ and that is where my career began.”

3. 「仙人指路」 —— 一个医生开启了他的运动生涯


Fact 4 – Meaning behind Di Maria’s tattoo

Before leaving Benfica in 2007, Di Maria and six of his friends had the following sentence tattooed ‘Nacer en El Perdriel fué y será lo mejor que me pasó en la vida’. You can see that tattoo on his left forearm.The English translation for the tattoo is “To be born in El Perdriel was and will be the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life." The tattoo is a symbol for the seven friends, a reminder of where they came from.

4. 「左臂的印记」——和6个小伙伴的纹身

在2007年离开本菲卡的时候,迪玛利亚和他的6个小伙伴在左前臂纹上了“Nacer en El Perdriel fué y será lo mejor que me pasó en la vida”,意思是「生在 El Perdriel,是我生命中最美妙的事情」。

Fact 5 – A winner

He played three seasons at Benfica before moving to Real Madrid, and during that time he won the Portuguese League and two Portuguese League Cups. In his last year he was also voted best player of the League. During his time at Real Madrid he won La Liga once with Jose Mourinho, two Copa de Rey, one UEFA Super Cup, one Spanish Super Cup and a Champions League. He was also voted man of the match in that final against Atletico Madrid. He is a winner; the trophies that he has won at Benfica and Real Madrid are proof of it.

5. 「人生赢家」—— 在葡萄牙西班牙证明自己

