What a lovely day! It has been a wonderful day since we visited the Barstow School in Ningbo, using Penny’s words, “Such fun!” Okay, so now, let us move on about it.


I was really excited about this. After a hurried breakfast, I went straight forward to school. The first impression was absolutely good.I first met Nick(as well as Windy), after that, we started our classes with 10th graders. As for me, my first class was about Greek history. Personally speaking, I do think the history teacher did a really nice job. He illustrated the wars, how the Roman Empire rises and falls… He is brilliant! Though I do not love history, however, his class really appealed me.

The second class was chemistry. The teacher is a handsome and skinny man, who is kind and patient. I guess 10th graders should consider chemistry is the best subject ever. They get so involved into the class, and the joyfulness in the air was not difficult to sense. Though I found this class really interesting, I still have to say that the class was not that effective. Teacher used, perhaps, almost the entire class-time to have a small competition between five teams. The drills are not that tricky, and the answer was obvious to them (not for me…I really did not learn about organic chemistry). From my perspective, I think maybe the teacher could increase the difficulties even just a tiny little bit. Thus, students will learn more new things and become more competitive in AMC or other national academic competitions. There was another thing I want to point out is that some of the students are just bullying or yelling at each other. That was definitely unforgivable and intolerable. But I really like the chemistry teacher, all in all.

After that, I went to the next class—math. Since I have already prepared the SAT II Mathematics Subject Test, parabolas or ellipses is really easy for me. Ha, literally the same request, can we get them a bit more difficult? The math teacher was old and he spoke really slow, however,an excellent and experienced teacher indeed.

We gathered around for the fourth class. Little bit special. I found the talking mostly boring, it was just those things I already heard about like, thousands of times. Nevertheless, the pedagogy, is absolutely the most appreciable thing. I do like it. Another exciting thing to point out is that the headmaster is using the Surface Pro 3, which I really fancy and desire to get one. Obviously, Mr. Fox is indeed an experienced counselor.

Oh! Though the food there was a little bit expensive(compared with other school’s canteen). The taste of them was really really great. I finished up two dishes and cost me nearly 30 yuan.

I do not know what should we do on the ESL class, I just watched two short video and that was all…

I have nothing against so-called puppy love. Actually, I like it, and that would be a unique experience for us and probably will teach us how to react when we crushed on somebody. But one thing I want to emphasize that we should not get distracted in the class. That means, study times should only be used for study, not for relationship. Sarcastically, though the executive headmaster mentioned about this phenomenon should be not be seen in the Barstow School again and again, the reality just gave him a big punch. Not to mention the overuse of iPad. Why can’t we just abandon them? We can bring a laptop or Surface instead! If I can have a choice, I would choose to bring a laptop, because laptops are just for work and study therefore will not distract me that much.

Generally, this was a really impressive visit, and I found the Barstow school of Ningbo is an ideal choice for my high school.

At last, I would like to say special thanks to my friend, Vincent in Barstow School.

Visit the Barstow School of Kansas City’s Official Site:Click Here
