背景是一家五百強接到了零售客戶(如Target, Walmart那些)的投訴,業務總監MIKE被狠狠地警告了要把事情搞好不然就要賠錢了。事關重大,Mike 馬上發了一個電郵給所有老大,包括了CEO,COO,Sourcing Director (就叫BEN吧,名字比較cool),Quality director (JC), 還有head of customer service (Rosie).
以下,就是mike 的電郵。
Hi team,
用“team” 沒有故意針對那位同事。在未搞清誰錯之前不要隨便attention 給人。這有可能是sourcing 也有可能是quality 的錯。一個sales director 是沒有義務搞清楚這個問題的。這是COO的工作。 用TEAM也是在說:不夠你們誰錯了,反正尼馬找人搞好他。
I am writing this email to address the seriousness of a problem I came across. I am expecting your attention and high level involvement to solve this urgent issue.
“Expecting”和”high level involvement” 是強烈的字眼。這電郵收的都是高層。而高層在絕大多數情況都是會讓下面的人去搞而自己裝著不知道。如果sales沒把事情的嚴重性特顯,很可能就沒人搭理。寫了,你就交代了,你就是把自己的份內事做了。我曾經試過面對一邪恐的品管經理,到事情壞了就怪我只跟他下面的人解決而沒有把事情大大聲說。對此我當年只有生悶氣。不過也因為這些壞人我學聰明了。
第一段必須是很強而有力的call for action. 寫得讓對手不得不看,不看不回就是你的錯了。這樣你win了。
To put it in short, we got complain from our number one customer XXX for a non-compliance issue to our quality commitment. 6000 pcs of YYY had been delivered with major functional defect and go straight to consumer directly. Angry customer raise their claim to XXX which in turn go to us.
第二段必須是factual。有數字有真相。同時不能太長,看的都是老大你只要把重點數據和嚴重性(6000件壞貨直達消費者是多麼可怕的事啊!)寫了就好。 搬出了”quality commitment” 這個聖上誉赐金牌誰敢不理呀?
As a responsible business, I’ve agreed an immediate recovery plan. Being unable to discuss with you guys beforehand, I made the below conservative commitments:
A dial-free hotline is setup to receive customer complain/inquiry.
In 2 days we will have to define a recall mechanism. at our own cost
100% replacement to the product sold. This is our quality commitment.
I am having a 11pm call tonight with their management and therefore we need to come up an improved solution by end of today.
結尾必須是個很積極解決問題的action plan 這樣你才是人生大赢家!
Sales Director
我虚构出来的500强Zecker(只是一个假名而已)就是这些企业中的其中之一。上世纪七十年代是他们的黄金时代。走到今天,世界知名企业的光环后面只是各种暮气沉沉,千仓百孔。那些当年心中常以Henry Ford的信条自勉,口里谈的都是JIT,TQM和电视广告那家强的年青商业精英,现在已经失去了学习互联网思维的能力了。 Scott站在这个世界级企业的最上层,管理着上百个学历比他高,都在摩拳擦掌准备取代他的70,80后精英,早已经力不从心了。他从20岁加入Zecker当仓务员,一路过来,入职第29年成为了COO。也不是他有多强实力,只是比他有能力的,要不就跳槽到更好的工作,要不就创业自成老板去了。留下来的,,一般都不是什么精英,只是规规矩矩小心翼翼地工作着。
Scott/Ben/Mike, go figure it out. This is a customer we don't want to lose.
Ben/JC, take whatever necessary action to support Mike's team. I am boarding now and is out of connect in the next hours. Copy me your plan.
这简直就是在说: 你们俩搞定他。我不想管了。可是老板都发话了我不能完全沉默。反正你们看着办吧。
有时候,当老板可以很容易。 。 。
By the way, JC是那位品管经理。楂男一枚。
如果是四,五年前碰到这样的事件,他早已急不及待要表现自己了。可是这两年他明显变了,深沉了。他习惯了回办公室后先冲一杯咖啡,然后把email 列表扫一眼而不细看。抓到个大概感觉后,他会按发件人的重要性,标题的严重程度来决定先看那一封。每天有上百个电邮,不用这方法他根本不能在lunch time 前看完。作为采购头子,有一些电邮他知道根本是不用看的。一堆中国供应商的开发信,一些下面的采购小弟小妹们来的日常工作,稳占了他最少一半以上的邮箱空间。
Ben早就读了业务总监mike那封十万火急的电邮。他没有马上回。他在等。等他顶头上司Scott表明态度了他才表态。事无大小他都是如此。年青时他爱抢风头,永远是抢在第一时间表现自己的活跃。后来碰了一次特别大的钉后就改了。他明明知道这事是他管的他必须回应的,也明明知道老板Scott会扔给他处理,只是他更清楚功高盖主是死罪。他宁愿act dump,也不要让COO猜忌他。这种公司,白痴一点有时反而是好事。
I am on it. Just spoke with the supplier and seem like they don't even realize this problem in the first sense. Investigation is on going on their side and I am closely following.
This is not their first delivery and no problem was spotted in the last few shipments. Supplier take this as a reason/excuse to shift the responsibility back to us. In the mean time I am unable to response unless we make it clear on our side .
I start to wonder if there is anything missing in the spec. and therefore they are not able to spot it. JC - any thought?
品管部和采购部其实是挺近的,两人的办公室其实就在同一行的房间内。可是除非是重大事故非不得已,否则很少会看到两人面谈。大小事情都是用邮件为主。大公司吧,这样其实一点也不奇怪。 。
Ben虽然没直接指出他的失误,但却把以上几个问题赤裸裸地暴露出来在高层面前。 Message 很清晰:品管部没把事情做好。更可恶的是那句「I am on it」。这本来是我大品管要做的事你抢什么抢!他一向小心这个比他略为年轻但霸气十足的采购,总是压着供应链部门和他品质部。去年听说供应链部们三十多人快要归他管了,JC更是担心自己的安危。
Hi Ben,
Thank you for your information.
We have a reliable quality system that works for years. No exception for this item. Goods has been tested and inspected sticky following specification.
Could you check and make sure our supplier do what they promise in their contract?
Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game
屈指一算,过去十多年来这已经是他第四份500强采购的工作了。来Zecker是三年半前的事。 Ben说服自己这是为了更好的工资待遇和更有名气的品牌而来的。可是当天他答应Scott来上班时,真正的理由其实非常简单。他需要的只是一个新的开始。
说回那封电邮。 JC本来是想把责任推给采购部的。 「check and make sure supplier do what they promised in their contract」试图把重点转向「供应商不重承诺没有把好关」而不是「Zecker的品管没有查出问题来」。因为如果是供应商don't follow contract,那就是采购部的问题了,也该变成是采购部去解决他。 JC的自保心态让这事情变得相当难看,就连一个部门小妹都看得出他在打太极,推责任。
「就这水平!」Ben那一声冷笑,是因为他觉这公司真的是他一人的playground。蜀中无人,你JC这水平也能当上个部门头目,放眼在运营部(operation) 这几个Director中他已找不到对手。十多来面对过各式各样的困难使得他在品管,供应链,工程,生产等专业领域也有一定的理解。他最拿手的一招,就是在别人的专业知识上攻击他。换句话说,就是找个好机会,在敌人的主场打败他。
Hi JC,
I believe this is Quality team who should be the one to figure out a quality problem. However if you are not comfortable to take this lead, I am happy to do it on your behalf.
No doubt we have a solid quality system that make us industrial leader in the market. However, such a system obviously not enough to solve our current issue.
I got a feeling that we didn't define our product correctly. According to the development document from the prototype build, the said function has never been discussed nor required. In short, the Product team may never communicate this requirement either with the customer or supplier.
In such case, it seem unfair for Zecker to take sole responsibility. We should not be blamed for missing a function that we have never committed. My recommendation as below:
1. Product/sales team should take this point back to retailer customer. They should share part of the responsibility, for a wrong commitment to the consumer.
2. Shift the compensation to our supplier. It is not fair nor easy, as they obviously did nothing wrong. I will see what I can do. It is a potential 0.5M$ penalty.
3. In the future the quality team should consider to involve actively in pre-production phase. I believe same situation could be avoided, if we Operation could get our feet on the development process as a supporting resource.
I’ve book my ticket to China tomorrow evening.
刚刚下机的COO Scott急着打开他的blackberry。读到「Product team」时他已经忍不住嘴角笑了。 「Great job, son」。果然没看错人。