Office series 3: Introducing a new team member

Looking forward vs. Expecting

A lot of English students often confuse the two phrases "looking forward to" and "expecting". Basically the difference is that when you are expecting something, it just means that you think something will (or should) happen. "Looking forward to" means that you really want something to happen, or can't wait for it to happen.

很多英语学习者容易混淆“looking forward to(期待)”和“expecting(期望,预计)”。

大家一定要注意它们的区别:如果你expect一件事,意思是你认为它会发生、也应该发生。而look forward to则意味着你希望或者迫不及待一件事情发生。


I'mreallylooking forward totheweekend!


Iamlooking forward toaraise.


I'mlooking forward toworkingwithyou.






Introductions at work: Formal & informal


In today's dialogue we saw two different kinds of introductions. The first was Zach directly introducing himself to Brad. The second was Karen formally introducing them as co-workers. This is a great reflection of American work culture. New staff usually take the initiative and introduce themselves to their new co-workers. However, during these introductions, they might not say anything about their job titles, experience, or role at the company. Usually just a quick "Hi, my name is...." is enough. Then, when the boss comes around, it is his or her job to introduce the new person's new role, title, and experience. Contrast that with many Asian countries, where the workers usually don't go out of their way to make self-introductions, and instead wait for the formal introduction given by the boss.


你可能感兴趣的:(Office series 3: Introducing a new team member)