How to ask for what you want- and get ti every time


on various occasions


•I had to cut down a tree and enlist the help of seven neighbours to get it out of the garden!


run into

the other day:不久前的某一天

launch a conference


women in business:女商人

at lenth=in details

feasible  [if sth is feasible, it can be done,achieved or made]可行的

on a basis of 以...为基础

a clip of 一个片段

restive  [if you are restive, you feel bored,impatient and unsatisfied.]不满意,不耐烦的

incline to 

subject line标题栏

liven sth up:使...有生气

cut to the chase:切中要点

flattery:恭维,奉承n=butter sb up 


lay it on thick:过分奉承(口语)

in addition to:除了...之外

manipulative:好支使的   [ skillful in influencing or controling others to your own advantage]

function [a large formal dinner\party]盛宴

for a start:首先

it was miles too slow [by great amount or a long way] 在很大程度上,类同于it was way too slow



time takes no skill to give:抽出时间不需要什么技巧

And rather than ask if I had enjoyed it, it would have been better to attest how much they had enjoyed having me.

attest:[to say\prove\show that is true]证明

specify:[explain it in an exact and detailed way]具体说明

rattle on[ talk incessantly or tiresomely]啰嗦,喋喋不休

Thank you to bringing the evening to life and for scorching wit and sense.


你可能感兴趣的:(How to ask for what you want- and get ti every time)