Lesson 6 smash-and-grab

Words and expressions

1.Expensive 不能用来形容价格的高低,价格高低可以用high或者low来形容。



E.g. Everything is so dear now, isn't it?


E.g. This bag is pretty pricey.


E.g. Buying a new house may prove too costly.


E.g. $200 for a lunch buffet seems a little deep for me.

Cost/ pay an arm and a leg

E.g. Buying a new apartment in Wudaokou costs him an arm and a leg.

2. Only just 刚刚

E.g. We have only just arrived.

3.Wheel 方向盘

E.g. Steering wheel

Behind the wheel 可以表示在开车

Take the wheel=drive

Wheels (informal) 汽车

A three-wheel 三轮车

Wheels within wheels 错综复杂


E.g. Get your money's worth(钱或时间)值得花

5.Talk shop 说行话,三句话不离本行

E.g. Stopping talking shop. Let's have fun.

6.Blare means to make a loud unpleasant noise

E.g. The radio was blaring out rock music.


E.g. People honked their horn as they drove past.

Why did you honk at me?

7.Scramble 爬

Scrambled eggs 炒蛋

Tomatoes and scrambled eggs

Stir-fried eggs and tomatoes

8.Admire 欣赏 admiration (noun) 注意发音区别

Gaze 凝视,注视

Stare 盯着看,凝视

Glare 怒目而视

Glower 虎视眈眈



E.g. A hectic schedule/ agenda

A hectic life 忙碌的生活

I am in the middle of something. 在忙事情

I have my hands full with my classes.

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