Highlights from Day24

Having recently waited in line at the Apple Store to buy an iPhone, he found himself comparing the two products. Glasses had been a staple of human life for nearly a thousand years, and they’d hardly changed since his grandfather wore them. For the first time, Dave wondered why glasses had such a hefty price tag. Why did such a fundamentally simple product cost more than a complex smartphone?

1.find oneself doing sth:不知不觉开始做起某事,to be in a particular state or do a particular thing, or to realize that this is happening, especially when you did not expect or intend it.

例句:She tried to concentrate, but found her mind drifting back to Alex. 她想集中精神,但是发觉自己的思绪又飘回到了亚历克斯身上。

2.staple:作形容词表示主要的,重要的,forming the greatest or most important part of something,可以与main等词做替换,这里的a staple省略了thing。

例句:Oil is Nigeria’s staple export. 石油是尼日利亚的主要出口产品。

3.hefty:大量的,巨额的,a hefty amount of something, especially money, is very large.

可以说:a hefty fine

4.fundamentally:in every way that is important or basic 根本上;基本上。可以与completely做同义替换。

例句:The conclusions of the report are fundamentally wrong . 这份报告的结论从根本上来说就是错误的。

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