Performing data collection 执行数据采集



About data collection
Collecting data requires creating a valid Input file using any text editor. Then, you begin the collection process by typing a one-line command at an MS-DOS prompt and providing the name of the Input file.
Collected data is stored in a binary file (named using the first eight characters of the Input file name with the extension .bin added). You can extract data from this file during the collection process, or when the process has stopped.
If collection has begun and you want to add another tag to the collection, you can edit the Input file, add the tag, and then restart the data collection. The previously collected data remains intact.
The collection process continues until you decide to stop the process (manually or by setting an ending option).

See Also
Introduction to the Input file
Sample Input files



Introduction to the Input file
The validity of the Input file for Advanced Control Collect is crucial for data collection, and consequently, data extraction. Thus, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the Input file format. Once you have created an Input file, you can check its validity, using Advanced Control Collect, before you start the collection process.
Use any text editor to create the Input file. You can give it any valid filename allowed on the host operating system. However, the Input file name you create should not have an extension since the subsequent file names created by Advanced Control Collect are created by appending an extension to the Input file name. You may want to limit the file name to eight characters, since it will be truncated to that number when an extension is added.
The Input file must contain at least six lines of information for data collection. These six lines include four mandatory parameters, at least one or more tags (with one tag per line) and a delimiter line between the parameters and the tags.
You can also add additional lines, such as user comments, blank lines, and optional parameters to the Input file. To add a comment line, place an exclamation mark (!) as the first non-white space character on that line.
The format of the Input file is divided into two parts: the Header section and the Tag section. The Header section contains the parameters for collection and their values while the Tag section contains the tags for collection; the Header section must be the first section. To separate the header section from the Tag section and its list of collection tags, you must add a line of at least 5 equal signs (=====) after the Header section.

See Also
Header section of the Input file
Tag section of the Input file
Sample Input file



参数 描述
IDLINE 用于标识目的的文件描述
SAMPLEPER 数据采集的采样时间(以hours/minutes /secinds计)
MAXSAMP 二进制文件中每个位号名的最大采样数(此参数可以与可选参数EOFCHOICE一起使用,详见下文)。


参数 描述
CIMIOINFO Cim-IO基本信息:设备、单元编号和格式;此参数是必须的。
CIMIOLIST Cim-IO列表:位号最大数目、最大描述长度、最大工程单位长度;此参数是必须的。
OFFSET 采集第一个样本分钟顶部后的秒数。
NOMSGS 打开或关闭消息。
WATCHDOGTAG 包含watchdog信息的位号,每个样本实时更新。
NUMSAMPTAG 包含样本数的位号。
STATUSTAG 包含采集过程状态报告的位号。


Input file: Header section

The header section of the Input file contains the parameters for collection. A parameter and its value (format: parameter = value) are listed one per line in the header section. Four parameters with values are mandatory for each collection; all other parameters are optional.

Mandatory parameters

parameter description
VERSIONNUM Version of Advanced Control Collect
IDLINE File description for identification purposes
SAMPLEPER Sample period for data collection (in hours, minutes, or seconds)
MAXSAMP Maximum number of samples per tag name in the binary file (this parameter can be used in conjunction with the optional parameter EOFCHOICE; see below for details)

Optional parameters

parameter description
CIMIOINFO Cim-IO general information: device, unit number, and format; this parameter is required.
CIMIOLIST Cim-IO list: maximum number of tags, maximum description length, and the maximum engineering units length; this parameter is required.
OFFSET Number of seconds after the top of the minute to collect the first sample.
EOFCHOICE Indicator once MAXSAMP is reached.
NOMSGS Turn messaging on or off.
WATCHDOGTAG Tag to contain watchdog information, updated every sample.
NUMSAMPTAG Tag to contain the number of samples.
STATUSTAG Tag to contain a status report of the collection process

See Also
Sample Input file


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