
音频:清汉第一册,《Ring around the roses》

动画:《City mouse and country mouse》


1. I can see

M: I can see a car. I can see a white car. I can see a long truck. I can see beautiful flowers. I can see green trees. They are so tall. I can see grass. They are so small.

S: I can see a green car.

M: Yes, you're right. A green car.

2. slowly or quickly

M: We are riding a motorbike.

S: Motorbike 是摩托车,我们是电动车!

M: Oh, you're right. We are riding an electric vehicle, we are not riding a motorbike. Let's feel the wind. Do you want it quickly or slowly? If I ride quickly, you will feel the wind. If I ride slowly, you can not feel the wind.

S: 不要太快,太快我会感到冷的。中间吧!

M: OK. We will ride it normally.

3. What a beautiful day for going to school!

跟娃上学路上看着一切美好的事物,脑子里不觉冒出了一句“what a beautiful day for my birthday~”问娃还记得是哪里的话吗?娃说是小熊生日,yes, it comes from 《Bear's Birthday》

接着跟娃回顾了下整本书,里面经典的一句还有why didn't he ask me to his party?上学路上真是个可以充分利用起来的时间段。


