
Input Sources


Input sources deliver events asynchronously to your threads. The source of the event depends on the type of the input source, which is generally one of two categories. Port-based input sources monitor your application’s Mach ports. Custom input sources monitor custom sources of events. As far as your run loop is concerned, it should not matter whether an input source is port-based or custom. The system typically implements input sources of both types that you can use as is. The only difference between the two sources is how they are signaled. Port-based sources are signaled automatically by the kernel, and custom sources must be signaled manually from another thread.


When you create an input source, you assign it to one or more modes of your run loop. Modes affect which input sources are monitored at any given moment. Most of the time, you run the run loop in the default mode, but you can specify custom modes too. If an input source is not in the currently monitored mode, any events it generates are held until the run loop runs in the correct mode.



The following sections describe some of the input sources.


Port-Based Sources


Cocoa and Core Foundation provide built-in support for creating port-based input sources using port-related objects and functions. For example, in Cocoa, you never have to create an input source directly at all. You simply create a port object and use the methods ofNSPortto add that port to the run loop. The port object handles the creation and configuration of the needed input source for you.


In Core Foundation, you must manually create both the port and its run loop source. In both cases, you use the functions associated with the port opaque type (CFMachPortRef,CFMessagePortRef, orCFSocketRef) to create the appropriate objects.


Custom Input Sources


To create a custom input source, you must use the functions associated with the CFRunLoopSourceRef opaque type in Core Foundation. You configure a custom input source using several callback functions. Core Foundation calls these functions at different points to configure the source, handle any incoming events, and tear down the source when it is removed from the run loop.


In addition to defining the behavior of the custom source when an event arrives, you must also define the event delivery mechanism. This part of the source runs on a separate thread and is responsible for providing the input source with its data and for signaling it when that data is ready for processing. The event delivery mechanism is up to you but need not be overly complex.


Cocoa Perform Selector Sources


In addition to port-based sources, Cocoa defines a custom input source that allows you to perform a selector on any thread. Like a port-based source, perform selector requests are serialized on the target thread, alleviating many of the synchronization problems that might occur with multiple methods being run on one thread. Unlike a port-based source, a perform selector source removes itself from the run loop after it performs its selector.


When performing a selector on another thread, the target thread must have an active run loop. For threads you create, this means waiting until your code explicitly starts the run loop. Because the main thread starts its own run loop, however, you can begin issuing calls on that thread as soon as the application calls the applicationDidFinishLaunching:method of the application delegate. The run loop processes all queued perform selector calls each time through the loop, rather than processing one during each loop iteration.


Table 3-2 lists the methods defined onNSObject that can be used to perform selectors on other threads. Because these methods are declared onNSObject, you can use them from any threads where you have access to Objective-C objects, including POSIX threads. These methods do not actually create a new thread to perform the selector.



Timer Sources


Timer sources deliver events synchronously to your threads at a preset time in the future. Timers are a way for a thread to notify itself to do something. For example, a search field could use a timer to initiate an automatic search once a certain amount of time has passed between successive key strokes from the user. The use of this delay time gives the user a chance to type as much of the desired search string as possible before beginning the search.


Although it generates time-based notifications, a timer is not a real-time mechanism. Like input sources, timers are associated with specific modes of your run loop. If a timer is not in the mode currently being monitored by the run loop, it does not fire until you run the run loop in one of the timer’s supported modes. Similarly, if a timer fires when the run loop is in the middle of executing a handler routine, the timer waits until the next time through the run loop to its handler routine. If the run loop is not running at all, the timer never fires.


You can configure timers to generate events only once or repeatedly. A repeating timer reschedules itself automatically based on the scheduled firing time, not the actual firing time. For example, if a timer is scheduled to fire at a particular time and every 5 seconds after that, the scheduled firing time will always fall on the original 5 second time intervals, even if the actual firing time gets delayed. If the firing time is delayed so much that it misses one or more of the scheduled firing times, the timer is fired only once for the missed time period. After firing for the missed period, the timer is rescheduled for the next scheduled firing time.

