Hash Function(离散数学的应用)

CS182 离散数学学到的知识派上用场了,系统学习知识很有必要,对于一个概念的理解会更深刻。不过,182的问题在于太理论,不注重实践。我第一时间没有想到需要先求余,说明理论到实践这一步还需要加强。


In data structure Hash, hash function is used to convert a string(or any other type) into an integer smaller than hash size and bigger or equal to zero. The objective of designing a hash function is to "hash" the key as unreasonable as possible. A good hash function can avoid collision as less as possible. A widely used hash function algorithm is using a magic number 33, consider any string as a 33 based big integer like follow:
hashcode("abcd") = (ascii(a) * 33^3 + ascii(b) * 33^2 + ascii(c) 33 + ascii(d)) % HASH_SIZE
= (97
33^3 + 98 * 33^2 + 99 * 33 +100) % HASH_SIZE
= 3595978 % HASH_SIZE
here HASH_SIZE is the capacity of the hash table (you can assume a hash table is like an array with index 0 ~ HASH_SIZE-1).

Given a string as a key and the size of hash table, return the hash value of this key.

class Solution {
     * @param key: A String you should hash
     * @param HASH_SIZE: An integer
     * @return an integer
    public int hashCode(char[] key,int HASH_SIZE) {
        // write your code here
        if (key == null) return 0;
        int n = key.length;
        long sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            sum = (sum * 33 + key[i]) % HASH_SIZE;
        return (int)sum;

你可能感兴趣的:(Hash Function(离散数学的应用))