Java Array


Array Basic

Arrays are a special type of object that consists of a numbered sequence of memory boxes. This is unlike class instances, which have named memory boxes.

Declaration and instantiation


  • int x; gives us a 32 bit memory box that stores ints.
  • Walrus w1; gives us a 64 bit memory box that stores Walrus references.
  • Walrus w2 = new Walrus(30, 5.6); gets us 3 total memory boxes. One 64 bit box that stores Walrus references, one 32 bit box that stores the int size of the Walrus, and a 64 bit box that stores the double tuskSize of the Walrus.

Array Creation

  • x = new int[3];
  • y = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
  • int[] z = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

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