

  • 用四条曲线拼接出小球的形状,逆时针开始,分别是弧AB,弧BC,弧CD,弧DA,每条弧都是两个弧顶点加上两个控制点,一共四个点绘制的三次贝塞尔曲线。
  • 界面布局如图所示
  • 创建继承自CALayerCircleLayer类,具体代码如下
    //  CircleLayer.h
    @interface CircleLayer : CALayer
    /** 滑块的进度值 */
    @property(nonatomic, assign)CGFloat progress;
    //  CircleLayer.m
    #import "CircleLayer.h"
    // 移动点的枚举
    typedef enum MovingPoint {
    } MovingPoint;
    // 宏定义
    #define outsideRectSize 90
    @interface CircleLayer()
    /** 外接矩形 */
    @property(nonatomic, assign)CGRect outsideRect;
    /** 记录上一次的progress,方便做差得出滑动方向 */
    @property(nonatomic, assign)CGFloat lastProgress;
    /** 实时记录滑动方向 */
    @property(nonatomic, assign)MovingPoint movePoint;
    @implementation CircleLayer
    // 初始化滑块的滑动值
    - (instancetype)init
        self = [super init];
        if (self) {
            self.lastProgress = 0.5;
        return self;
    // 初始化动画的Layer
    - (instancetype)initWithLayer:(CircleLayer *)layer{
        self = [super initWithLayer:layer];
        if (self) {
            self.progress = layer.progress;
            self.outsideRect = layer.outsideRect;
            self.lastProgress = layer.lastProgress;
        return self;
    // 绘制小球
    -(void)drawInContext:(CGContextRef)ctx {
        // 外接矩形顶点和控制点的距离,当它为正方形边长的1/3.6倍时,画出来的圆弧完美贴合圆形
        CGFloat offset = self.outsideRect.size.width / 3.6;
        // 外接矩形顶点需要移动的距离
        CGFloat movedDistance = (self.outsideRect.size.width * 1 / 6) * fabs(self.progress - 0.5) * 2;
        // 外接矩形的中心点坐标
        CGPoint rectCenter = CGPointMake(self.outsideRect.origin.x + self.outsideRect.size.width / 2, self.outsideRect.origin.y + self.outsideRect.size.height / 2);
        // 外接矩形顶点的坐标
        CGPoint pointA = CGPointMake(rectCenter.x, self.outsideRect.origin.y + movedDistance);
        CGPoint pointB = CGPointMake(self.movePoint == POINT_D ? rectCenter.x + self.outsideRect.size.width / 2 : rectCenter.x + self.outsideRect.size.width / 2 + movedDistance * 2, rectCenter.y);
        CGPoint pointC = CGPointMake(rectCenter.x, rectCenter.y + self.outsideRect.size.height / 2 - movedDistance);
        CGPoint pointD = CGPointMake(self.movePoint == POINT_D ? self.outsideRect.origin.x - movedDistance * 2 : self.outsideRect.origin.x, rectCenter.y);
        // 外接矩形控制点的坐标
        CGPoint c1 = CGPointMake(pointA.x + offset, pointA.y);
        CGPoint c2 = CGPointMake(pointB.x, self.movePoint == POINT_D ? pointB.y - offset : pointB.y - offset + movedDistance);
        CGPoint c3 = CGPointMake(pointB.x, self.movePoint == POINT_D ? pointB.y + offset : pointB.y + offset -movedDistance);
        CGPoint c4 = CGPointMake(pointC.x + offset, pointC.y);
        CGPoint c5 = CGPointMake(pointC.x - offset, pointC.y);
        CGPoint c6 = CGPointMake(pointD.x, self.movePoint == POINT_D ? pointD.y + offset - movedDistance : pointD.y + offset);
        CGPoint c7 = CGPointMake(pointD.x, self.movePoint == POINT_D ? pointD.y - offset + movedDistance : pointD.y - offset);
        CGPoint c8 = CGPointMake(pointA.x - offset, pointA.y);
        // 绘制外接虚线矩形
        UIBezierPath *rectPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:self.outsideRect];
        CGContextAddPath(ctx, rectPath.CGPath);
        CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(ctx, [UIColor blackColor].CGColor);
        CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, 1.0);
        CGFloat dash[] = {5.0, 5.0};
        CGContextSetLineDash(ctx, 0.0, dash, 2);
        // 圆的边界
        UIBezierPath *ovalPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
        [ovalPath moveToPoint:pointA];
        [ovalPath addCurveToPoint:pointB controlPoint1:c1 controlPoint2:c2];
        [ovalPath addCurveToPoint:pointC controlPoint1:c3 controlPoint2:c4];
        [ovalPath addCurveToPoint:pointD controlPoint1:c5 controlPoint2:c6];
        [ovalPath addCurveToPoint:pointA controlPoint1:c7 controlPoint2:c8];
        [ovalPath closePath];
        CGContextAddPath(ctx, ovalPath.CGPath);
        CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(ctx, [UIColor blackColor].CGColor);
        CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(ctx, [UIColor redColor].CGColor);
        CGContextSetLineDash(ctx, 0, NULL, 0);
        CGContextDrawPath(ctx, kCGPathFillStroke);
        // 标记出每个点并连线
        CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(ctx, [UIColor yellowColor].CGColor);
        CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(ctx, [UIColor blackColor].CGColor);
        NSArray *points = @[[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:pointA], [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:pointB], [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:pointC], [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:pointD], [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:c1], [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:c2], [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:c3], [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:c4], [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:c5], [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:c6], [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:c7], [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:c8]];
        [self drawPoint:points withContext:ctx];
        // 连接辅助线
        UIBezierPath *helperline = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
        [helperline moveToPoint:pointA];
        [helperline addLineToPoint:c1];
        [helperline addLineToPoint:c2];
        [helperline addLineToPoint:pointB];
        [helperline addLineToPoint:c3];
        [helperline addLineToPoint:c4];
        [helperline addLineToPoint:pointC];
        [helperline addLineToPoint:c5];
        [helperline addLineToPoint:c6];
        [helperline addLineToPoint:pointD];
        [helperline addLineToPoint:c7];
        [helperline addLineToPoint:c8];
        [helperline closePath];
        CGContextAddPath(ctx, helperline.CGPath);
        CGFloat dash2[] = {2.0, 2.0};
        CGContextSetLineDash(ctx, 0.0, dash2, 2);
    // 在某个point位置画一个点,方便观察运动情况
    -(void)drawPoint:(NSArray *)points withContext:(CGContextRef)ctx {
        for (NSValue *pointValue in points) {
            CGPoint point = [pointValue CGPointValue];
            CGContextFillRect(ctx, CGRectMake(point.x - 2, point.y - 2, 4, 4));
    // 设置滑块的移动位置
    -(void)setProgress:(CGFloat)progress {
        _progress = progress;
        // 外接矩形在左侧,B点动
        if (progress <= 0.5) {
            self.movePoint = POINT_B;
        } else {
            self.movePoint = POINT_D;
        self.lastProgress = progress;
        CGFloat origin_x = self.position.x - outsideRectSize / 2 + (progress - 0.5) * (self.frame.size.width - outsideRectSize);
        CGFloat origin_y = self.position.y - outsideRectSize / 2;
        self.outsideRect = CGRectMake(origin_x, origin_y, outsideRectSize, outsideRectSize);
        [self setNeedsDisplay];
  • 创建继承自UIViewCircleView类,具体代码如下
    //  CircleView.h
    #import "CircleLayer.h"
    @interface CircleView : UIView
    /** 圆的layer层 */
    @property(nonatomic, strong)CircleLayer *circleLayer;
    //  CircleView.m
    #import "CircleView.h"
    @implementation CircleView
    +(Class)layerClass {
        return [CircleLayer class];
    -(instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
        self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
        if (self) {
            self.circleLayer = [CircleLayer layer];
            self.circleLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, frame.size.width, frame.size.height);
            self.circleLayer.contentsScale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale;
            [self.layer addSublayer:self.circleLayer];
        return self;
  • 控制器代码如下所示
    //  ViewController.m
    #import "ViewController.h"
    #import "CircleView.h"
    @interface ViewController ()
    /** 滑块 */
    @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UISlider *mySlider;
    /** 滑块的值 */
    @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *currentValueLabel;
    /** 圆视图 */
    @property(nonatomic, strong)CircleView *cv;
    @implementation ViewController
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
        [super viewDidLoad];
        [self.mySlider addTarget:self action:@selector(valuechange:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
    = [[CircleView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(self.view.frame.size.width / 2 - 320 / 2, self.view.frame.size.height / 2 - 320 / 2, 320, 320)];
        // 首次进入 = _mySlider.value;
    // 滑块值改变
    -(void)valuechange:(UISlider *)sender {
        self.currentValueLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Current: %f", sender.value]; = sender.value;
    - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
        [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
  • 运行结果如图所示
