Some Principles of Doing Things

Aim to gradually untangling , optimize and even rebuild the thinking style of my doing things I tend to write down the principles how I should conduct things. This way, as I expect, will help me to reach a more efficient, faithful and happy state of life. Those principles, which I learned almost from Dr. Wu, will guide me to an excellent people.

为了逐渐梳理优化甚至重塑自己做事的思维方式,以更高效、更充实地生活、学习、工作, 我决定将自己以后做事的思维、或原则写出来。这些原则,大部分是我从吴军老师学到的,将促使我成为一个杰出的人。

The first principle is that I should do the things which can definitely pave the way for the rest of my life, rather than those barely benefit me later. For example, I shouldn’t have spent time on singing that I’ve ever determined to manage the rap of See You Again about six months ago. It’s just because I won’t do something on singing. Not only indulge myself in the feeling of sweet songs at KTV but also to be good at it. What singing mean to me is just amusing my girlfriend which doesn’t need practice, right? So what’s the point for me to spent time on it? That’s why it’s so ridiculous for me that I ever decided to spend much time to practice singing for the reason I hardly have forgotten. So cool? Probably. But it doesn’t matter to me anymore.

首先,我应该做那些对以后也能产生正面作用的事,而不是眼下做了,过后对自己再无任何影响的事。就像猴子搬包谷,走一路掉一路。我还记得以前曾花费时间精力学唱 See You Again 中的说唱,多么不应该啊!因为我知道自己在唱歌方面除了偶尔取乐与女朋友,再不会有什么意义的。我不是那种沉迷于自己歌声中的人,也不擅长唱歌,所以我花费时间和精力学唱歌,有什么意义呢!可笑的是,我至今几乎都已经忘记了当时心血来潮学习那段Rap的原因。很酷吗?也许是。但已经和现在的我没什么关系了!

Now there still exist so many things that strike me with a sudden impulse such as dancing, Kong fu, basketball, etc. But I know well the consequence of these things will probably only last a few days. After the specific passion, I will not contact it anymore. To be honest, these things attract me very much and could certainly do me a favor. But the fact is they are not continuous, systematic and is not embodied with the characteristic of accumulation just like the corn discarded along the path.

Some Principles of Doing Things_第1张图片
standing on the shoulder of your old self


(so much for this time, the next time I'll continue this content)

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