
Today is Friday.

Before the girls and Papa went back home from the synagogue, Mama had made the Purim baskets for them. The girls put on some funny dresses as their costumes. Now the messengers and the Purim baskets were ready. The little troupe sailed out of the house and into the street so full with other masqueraders carrying just Purim baskets. They went to their aunt's home and knocked the door. When it opened, they began to chant in unison. They were greeted with shouts and laughters from all the cousins. Pennies were distributed and in return, one basket was handed over. There were so many houses to be visit that they said goodbye to their cousins and continued on their way. All afternoon they went from house to house. They were welcomed with joy and laughter everywhere. Mama was giving a Purim party in the front yard of the house, where many friends and relatives came to. The children had prepared a show for the party for a long time. Now it was the time to show it.
