【M实事摘要Newsletter】 2018-01-11#1

欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

1 2018 CES:丰田e-Palette概念车首发亮相

丰田在刚刚开幕的CES(电子消费展)上发布了一款无人驾驶的厢式电动概念车e-Palette。该车将在2020年东京奥运会开始试运营,有载人、做移动商店、物流等多种用途。 ... 外观方面,新车采用了类似公交车的方正造型,由于是无人驾驶、其内部无需布置驾驶舱,因此有整块空间可以被有效利用。外部覆盖的大尺寸 ...

2 中国企业AI技术“飙车”CES 无人车语音助手亮眼

沈锦祥告诉记者,语音识别和图像识别(包括人脸识别、行为识别)是目前AI投入最密集的两大主流技术,而智能音箱和智能驾驶是承载其应用的主流场景。因此,这两大 ... 零售“黑科技”。记者从苏宁了解到,其在CES 的整体展区面积将达到120平方米,分为无人店、AR体验、智慧物流、智慧金融、智能家居等展区。

3 独家追踪| 机器人定位技术研发商“眸视科技”获新投资

主要产品包括室内定位系统SmartPath、机器人视觉处理和行人检测等,产品能够同时支持激光雷达SLAM、视觉SLAM及二者融合,能够同步定位和成图。 团队的室内定位系统SmartPath则将多种定位手段结合,主要依赖手机自身运算能力定位,充分利用手机自身特性及室内地图,摆脱了Wifi、蓝牙信号不稳定的 ..

4 Watch our CES 2018 autonomous car panel: Getting From Here to There

You've heard about them, and perhaps even driven in one already. Self-driving cars are getting closer and closer to reality, and we get a front-row seat to the action.

5 Next step in driverless cars: Boot the driver

LAS VEGAS – Auto and tech companies are racing to get human drivers completely out of their self-driving cars, perhaps as soon as this year.

6 How 2 million cars will map roads for autonomous vehicles

We're all familiar with Google Street View, and there is no doubt that highly detailed 3D maps of road environments will play a big role in the how autonomous vehicles in the near future navigate and make driving decisions.

7 一大货车无人驾驶却连撞两车?只因司机一个小疏忽

究竟这辆无人驾驶的货车是怎样行驶到对面跟两辆汽车相撞的呢?据驾驶员施某某介绍,当时他将这辆江西牌照的重型货车停在330国道缙云汽车站路段的顺达物流公司门口,下车后忘记拉手刹,货车开始溜坡,由于330国道线缙云汽车站路段为一个长下坡,车子越溜越快。一开始他还没有注意到,直到横穿整 ...

8 Hitting the Las Vegas Strip in Lyft's Self-Driving Car

Self-driving cars aren't new to CES, but the technology took a major leap forward this year -- Lyft is allowing anyone at the show to take a ride in a self-driving BMW 5 Series. ...

9 AAA will test Torc's self-driving cars to build out safety criteria

The American Automobile Association is doing work to help ensure it remains relevant in a future age of autonomous driving. Its latest partner in that effort is Torc Robotics, a self-driving technology company with loads of experience in automating heavy machinery and commercial equipment that's now ...

10 Ford, Postmates to Test How Self-Driving Cars Could Change Delivery

LAS VEGAS—Ford has been ramping up its self-driving vehicle program in the past year from its $1 billion investment in Argo AI to its pilot with Domino's Pizza. ...

11 People Don't Trust AI—Here's How We Can Change That

Scientific American
Many decisions in our lives require a good forecast, and AI agents are almost always better at forecasting than their human counterparts. Yet for all these technological advances, we still seem to deeply lack confidence in AI predictions. Recent cases show that people don't like relying on AI and prefer to ...

12 What AI Can Do for IVF

Scientific American (blog)
AI is already being used to try and solve some big health care challenges. For example, IBM has developed a computational model that predicts heart failure, and has lent use of the Watson supercomputer to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York to develop cancer-diagnosis and ...

13 3 Ways AI Can Enhance Customer Experience and Boost Profitability

MarTech Advisor
Creating frictionless, personalized customer experiences is a top priority for businesses in today's age of modern commerce, and many are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to help. For example, SoftBank Mobile has introduced its humanoid robot, Pepper, responsible for welcoming, informing and ...

北京时间18/01/11 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

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